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  1. Discuss your hobbies, but be careful in doing so – There is a possibility that the interviewers would ask you about your hobbies. Even if you do have lots of hobbies, practice yourself in just discussing those that would not require much of your time. Because if you do discuss those that require time, your potential employer may think that you would not be able to provide your job with your full attention.
  1. Take advantage of the first few minutes in building your confidence – Keep in

mind that in most interviews, the first part of it would be the introduction, in which you would be telling them about yourself. It is best that you take advantage of it to build your confidence, by preparing for it. Anticipate certain introductory questions, so that you can prepare your answers for them.

  1. Do not forget to bring copies of your resume – There are times when there would be more than one person who would interview you. Therefore, it is a good idea that you bring extra copies of your resume, so that you can hand it over to them. Interviewers would usually jot down notes on the applicant’s resume; and, by making sure that each one of them has a copy of yours, you are making their job easier, which may score you some points.
  2. It is best to turn off your phone – It is always best to avoid possible distractions, while the interview is being conducted. One of the things that may distract you as well as the interviewers is the ringing sound of your phone. If you put it in vibration mode, when someone calls you, you could still get bothered by it; thus, it is best if you turn it off, so that you can focus on the ongoing interview.
  3. Prepare your references – You can be assured that your potential employer would ask you for character references. Therefore, it is best that you indicate them in your resume. If not, then be prepared in writing their names and contact details on a piece of paper, when asked. Just make sure that you ask your friends’ and colleagues’ permission beforehand, so that they won’t get surprised.
  4. Bring only things that are necessary – When you go to the venue for your interview, you don’t want to be bothered with too many things to take care of. Therefore, it is best that you bring only those things that you really need. Bring a pen, a notepad, and other things, which you may think that you really need, prior to entering the room for the interview.
  5. Practice your handshake – At the start of the interview, there is a good chance that your interviewers would shake your hand, prior to asking you to sit down. Keep in mind that some of them do this just to welcome you, while others do it, since a handshake can tell someone a lot about a person. It is best to have a firm handshake, but not too hard, so that they can see that you are a confident person and someone whom they can rely on.
  6. Enhance your nonverbal skills – Your nonverbal skills would include the way you position yourself, while the interviewers are asking you questions. Negative nonverbal skills would include slouching, looking at the ceiling, not maintaining eye contact, and such. To present yourself positively, you should maintain good posture, avoid doing certain hand movements, and look at your employers straight in the eyes.
  7. Listen to the interviewer attentively – One of the things that you want to avoid during the interview is to have your interviewer repeat his questions. Thus, it is best that you listen to him attentively. By doing that, you would not just make sure that you can understand the questions properly, but it would also show that you re interested in getting the job.
  8. Prepare an answer about a question referring to your future – When an interviewer ask you about where you would see yourself in 5 or so years, then he is trying to see if you are planning to have a short term or a long term engagement with them. Thus, it is best to choose your answer wisely, since it can be the final question that can determine the outcome of the interview.
  9. Prepare an answer about a question that would tell them why they want to hire you – This is the question that would give you the chance to tell them about how interested you are in working for them. Aside from that, you should also support your claim that you are the best candidate by mentioning some of your skills, which may help you perform at your best for the job you are applying for.
  10. Prepare an answer for a question regarding leaving your previous job – When an interviewer checks your resume and see that you are either about to leave your previous job or already left it months ago, then he would ask you a question about it. Provide a positive answer for it, such as career development. Don’t provide any kind of negative comment about your previous company, since that is not a good idea.
  11. Prepare an answer for a question regarding what you have been doing ever since leaving the previous company – If you have left your previous job prior to applying for this new job you are being interviewed for, then you should prepare a good answer, if you are asked about what you have been doing after leaving the previous job. Try to focus more about doing things to improve your marketability, such as developing certain skills, or improving your knowledge on certain things.
  12. Prepare an answer for a question regarding your strengths as well as weaknesses – Interviewers in most cases would ask you about your strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to your strengths, focus more on the things that you are used to doing, in which you are able to develop your skills. For your weaknesses, it is best to focus more on how you were able to come up with ways in improving yourself, or overcoming your weaknesses.
  13. Prepare an answer for a question regarding whether you work better with a team or by yourself – In answering a question like this, it is best to consider that employers are trying to see your motivation as an individual, as well as your potentials of becoming a leader. Thus, answer it with something that would tell them how you excelled in both types of working environments.
  14. Prepare for questions that would relate to your experience – When your potential employers ask you about your past experiences, it is best to consider the type of job that you are applying for in answering it. By doing that, you can provide them with answers, which will show them that you have gone through certain tasks, which can help you in doing your job well if you work in their company. Thus, focus more on your experiences that are related to the job you want to have.
  15. Prepare to tell them instances when you went beyond your call of duty – Interviewers are in constant search for workers who would go an extra mile in either serving the company, or its customers. Therefore, it is best to prepare telling a short story, which would show them how you go beyond the expectations of your employers or customers, so that they can also expect that from you if ever they decide to give you a try.
  1. Elaborate your answers but don’t overdo it – When you provide your answers to each of the questions, you should try to elaborate it, so that they would see a better picture of what you are trying to tell them. However, it is not wise to overdo it, since it can consume too much time. Aside from that, it may also lead them to think that you are trying to exaggerate things.
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