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  1. Let the interviewer stay in control – Even if you have become quite comfortable in discussing things with your interviewer, it is still best that you let him stay in control. This would show that you respect him, and you simply want to follow his lead in conducting the interview. When you do this, you would be able to encourage a more positive atmosphere between you and the interviewer.
  2. Be enthusiastic in providing your answers – When interviewers ask you a bunch of questions, you should show them that you are interested in providing them the answers. By doing this, it would give them the impression that you are an open book, which they can always acquire important answers from. Thus, it would show them that you are also someone they can rely on.
  3. Do not interrupt – There may be times when you still have a lot of things that you want to say regarding a question they asked. However, you should not be carried away with it, and interrupt your interviewers. Interrupting them would show disrespect, which is not a good thing to do if you want to get the job that you are applying for.
  4. If you want to highlight certain strengths, make sure it would coincide with the position you are applying for – There may be times when you want to emphasize on your strengths, in the effort of impressing the interviewers to get the job. However, you need to make sure that the strengths you are focusing on are related to the position you want. This way, you can assure them that your skills can help you perform at your best with the job you want.
  5. Salary expectations – One of the most common questions that may be asked by an employer is your salary expectations. Thus, you should come up with a figure just before the interview. For the amount you want, try to estimate how much they are paying for the position you are applying for. If you are currently employed though, try to make it higher than what you are earning, but don’t overdo it.


  1. Be prepared in saying something better, if a question comes up, in which you don’t know the answer to – Just in case a question comes up, which you don’t know the answer to, try to still make a positive impression, by admitting that you don’t know it, but you are positive that they would provide you training for it. In most cases though, such questions may be technical in nature; thus, it is best that you are qualified for the position you are applying for.
  2. Be prepared in saying something, if they tell you that there is a part in the job, which you do not have any experiences with – This can happen if they check your resume and they see nothing in it that may be related to some tasks, which are involved in the kind of job that you are aiming for. In this case, you should assure them that you are looking forward to developing more skills, which is one of the reasons you want the job. Aside from that, if you can think of an experience that you have gone through that is related to it, then you should mention it.
  3. Don’t talk too fast – Aside from making sure that you understand the questions perfectly, you should also ensure that your interviewers understand everything you are saying. Therefore, you should be conscious in pacing yourself when you give out your answers. Talk in a slower manner, so that you can properly construct your sentences, and explain things clearly.
  4. Ask for water if you need one – At the middle part of the interview, if you have already
  5. discussed a lot of things, then there would be a possibility that your throat may become dry. If you experience it, you should not hesitate in asking for a glass of water. This would ensure that you can go on with the interview, and be able to answer questions, without minding your throat.
  1. Don’t assume that interviewers are very familiar with certain acronyms – Even if you are applying for a technical position, you should keep in mind that there is a possibility that your interviewers are not familiar with some technical terms. Thus, it is best that you make use of simpler words, so that they won’t have to keep on asking you to explain things further.
  2. Don’t say anything negative regarding your previous employers – Whether you are currently employed or you have left your previous job a few months ago, you should not mention anything negative about the previous company you worked for. Be honest as you can, but always stay positive. Keep in mind that they could also become your previous employers if they hire you.
  3. Discuss your hobbies if you want to, but don’t overdo it – Interviews usually go through certain steps in the part of the employers. At the starting point, they may ask you about personal things, such as your hobbies. In answering a question related to that, you should make it brief, since they are just checking how normal you are living your life.
  1. Make sure to let your interviewers know that you really are interested in the job you are applying for – There are instances when a person does not get hired, even if he answered the questions as perfectly as possible. A possible reason behind this is that, he was not able to provide an impression that he is really interested in the job. Thus, you should make that as a part in selling yourself to the company, so that you can get the job.
  2. Don’t forget to smile – Whether you are still at the lobby and waiting for the interviewers to call you, or you are already with them, you should not forget to smile. Smiling would not just encourage a positive atmosphere, but it can also make you feel better about yourself. Aside from that, since smiling is contagious, they could see you as someone who could encourage other employees to smile while they are working as well.
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