
The room in which your television or computer is should be properly lit. Watching television or working on the computer in the dark unnecessarily strains your eyes.

Make sure to always turn on a lamp or overhead light.


In the ideal condition, the light source should be behind you placed in such a way that the glare does not reflect on the screen.


Try to blink deliberately while working on the computer. When you work on the computer there is an increased tendency to stare unblinkingly at the monitor.

This especially true if you are playing an exciting game. In such cases you should make a conscious effort to blink your eyes.

If you do not blink your eyes, they will become dry, they will hurt and this will ultimately precipitate as a headache. It is when you blink that your eyelids wash your eyeballs with the tear secretions. Your eyeballs must be moist always so remember to blink your eyes even if you are deeply engrossed in something interesting.


Breathing exercises help you breathe better and release the toxins in your brain. The human body takes in a lot of toxic substances, both through the air and through food and drink. Apart from this, various toxins are also released in the body as a result of the various processes that are going on. These toxins have to be released on a continuous basis or else they will accumulate in the body with serious results.

One of the best ways of releasing these toxins is by means of exhaling while breathing. One funny fact is that most of do not breathe properly. Just take a look at the picture like this. With each breath that we take, we take in oxygen. This oxygen is carried by the blood to every cell of the body and every cell must indeed get enough oxygen not just to survive but to remain healthy as well.

So it is imperative that we make an honest attempt to breathe properly. But first of course we have to make sure that we are breathing in unpolluted air. The time best for breathing exercises is early in the morning when the air is comparatively unpolluted.

Now what you have to do is this. Again, sit comfortably so that there is no strain to any part of your body. It is not imperative that you close your eyes, but I have always noticed that the exercise works better when the eyes are closed.

When you are ready, what you have to do is to breathe in deeply and slowly, and feel the fresh air filling up your lungs until it just can’t take any more. Conjure up images of the air encircling throughout your body and reaching every cell, literally bathing it with oxygen. Of course it doesn’t happen that way but the image helps a lot. Then hold your breath for a few seconds and then very slowly exhale letting out all that foul air.

Again conjure up an image of all the toxins being released from your body. Every cell has become free of the burden it was carrying. Now pause for a second or two and again breathe in deeply, slowly letting your lungs fill up with all that good, clean, rejuvenating air. Repeat this exercise at least ten times and take your time for it taking care not to rush through.

When you have done that part of the exercise it is time for the second part. Again sit with your eyes closed, but this time, keep one nostril closed with the help of your index finger. It is best to close the right nostril first and that too with your right index finger. Now breathe in deeply and slowly through your left nostril keeping the right nostril closed. When you have held air for a second or two, release your right nostril and breathe out through it.

While you are breathing out conjure up an image of all the toxins being released form your head and the brain especially. And as you breathe in conjure up images of the clean air circulating though out your brain freeing it of all the worries and trouble and lightening it.

Repeat this exercise with the other nostril closed in this way alternate between the nostrils at least ten times. The entire breathing exercise need not take more than ten minutes.


Use a pillow that is not too thick to rest your head. If the pillow that you are using is too thick, you will be straining you neck muscles when you are asleep. If the neck muscles are taught for too long, they will become stiff and this often precipitates as a headache.


Find out if you have any allergies. Allergies can cause headaches. Some of us are allergic to specific substances and these substances can trigger off a headache. It may be certain odors or it might be a certain flavors. Each time you get a headache just try and find out what triggered it.


Dry your head well after a shower. It is best to use a towel for this. The problem with water is that it can seep in through the scalp of your head and if you leave your head damp, the moisture can seep in result in a headache.


Do not blow dry your hair as far as possible. Dryers are not a very good idea. The heat from the dryer is actually bad for your head. Go easy on driers and if at all you must use a dryer, use it only if you have long hair. Never use it to blow dry the short hair on your head.


If you must blow dry your hair, keep the blow drier well away from your head. Not only is the heat bad for your head, but the drone of the drier can also induce a headache.


If you have to go out in the sun, protect your head using a hat or a cap. The sun has many benefits as far as health is concerned, but if you expose yourself directly to the sun, you are likely to end up with a headache.

The heat from the sun can bring about vascular changes and alter the delicate balance of the various fluids inside the brain. This in all likelihood will precipitate as a whale of a headache. That is why it is imperative that you protect your head with a cap or a hat when you have to go out in the sun.


Stay away from rain – especially the first shower of the season. It is not good to let the rain fall directly on your head. Rain water may be refreshing but in can result in a headache. If you get wet in the rain, make it a point to dry your head as soon as you can.

The first rains especially are very bad because the water will contain a lot of pollutants and this itself can result in a lot of diseases.


Avoid inhaling polluting gases like automobile fumes and second-hand smoking. Many of the gases let out by automobiles and other exhaust pipes are highly toxic and they itself can cause a headache.

Second hand smoking by which you inhale the smoke from your neighbor’s cigarette too can cause a headache. This is especially true if you are a non-smoker and not used to the smell smoke.


Do not wear a hair-do in which your hair is tied up too tightly. Some people especially women tie up their in very tight buns or braids. If your hair is pulled back too tightly it is going to hurt your scalp and the end result is that you will get a headache.


Try to keep your mind free from worries. Listening to music or taking a nap is a good way to clear the mind.


If you feel stressed up, try to relax. Scented candles, warm bathes, and soothing music may help you relax.


Try to get a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep is very important to keep away headaches.

“Sleep is one of the most basic and universal activities in which we all engage. Yet, getting to sleep, staying asleep, and waking refreshed can be highly elusive to most of us some of the time, and many of us all of the time.”

The National Sleep Foundation reports (2002) that America is on the verge of a poor sleep epidemic, characterized by the following eye-opening statistics:

? 64% of American adults get less than the eight hours of sleep that experts recommend is required to maintain optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.

? One-third of the US population says they get less sleep now than they did five years ago

? One-half of Americans have experienced insomnia (sleeplessness)

? Drowsiness due to a lack of a proper night of sleep interferes with the daily activities of 37 percent of all adults.

You need peace and quiet to get enough sleep and so you should take care to see that there are no physical disturbances. Turn the ring tone of your telephone to the lowest possible volume. Do not worry about important calls; if the calls are so important, then the caller will call back later when you have turned up the volume.

Try to cut out other disturbances by wearing ear muffs or eye blinds. Do not read in bed before you sleep, in all likelihood you will drift off to sleep with the lights on and after sometime the same light will wake you up.


Do not oversleep. Oversleeping is just as bad as not getting enough sleep. If you sleep too much or for too long you will wake up with a very woozy feeling and that will most likely turn into a headache. Our body tells us when it has had enough sleep. Listen to the cue and get up, do not succumb to the temptation to just lay in bed.


Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Studies have shown that this is the requirement for most healthy adults. Examine your daily schedule to see how you can rearrange your day to ensure the right amount of sleep. Try to cut out television and other non-necessary activities.


Stay away from sedatives. Sedatives are not a solution to your sleep problems. Many of them are addictive and their medicine will eventually stop working for you.

Sedatives also affect the time that you wake up. You might get a good night’s sleep when you take sedatives, but the chances are rare that you will wake up refreshed.


Each time you get a headache do not reach for your aspirin. Some headaches go by themselves. Do not make you body dependent on aspirin.


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