- The cost of using any of the media
- The type or nature of the product to be advertised
- The reach (i.e. the extent of coverage/size of the audience) of the medium
- The merits and demerits inherent in using the medium
- The frequency of exposures i.e. the number of times the same viewer/reader may be exposed to the same advert
- The target audience e.g. social/age group of the audienc
- It provides information about goods e.g. about the availability, price, features of the goods concerned
- It provides employment opportunities to people working in the advertising sector of the economy
- It builds and sustain corporate image for firms
- It improves the quality of goods
- It educates the public on the use of certain goods
- It increases production i.e. it makes large scale production possible thereby leading to lower cost of production
- It increases the volume of sales/turnover of firms
- Advertising creates and sustains demand for goods
- It induces wrong consumption patterns by inducing people to buy what they do not really need
- Advertising increases the cost and prices of goods sold to consumers
- It creates unhealthy competition by which an advertiser discredits the products of their rivals
- Advertising could mislead consumer through false claims
- It encourages the consumption of dangerous goods such as cigarettes and alcohol
- Advertising is most times wasteful in terms of resources
- It may lead to the emergence of private monopolies by preventing new entries to the market
- Advertising encourages multiplication of brand names i.e. it encourages too many brands