- The knowledge of safety education prevents injury on the playground.
- It prevents body deformity.
- It helps to avoid accidents.
- It helps to develop the pupils’ physicålly.
- It helps to maintain environmental cleanliness.
- Knowledge about safety encourages children to play freely without any fear.
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step II: Teacher introduces the new topic “Benefits of safety rules in physical and health education”
Step III: Teacher states the benefits of safety rules in physical and health education.
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
Step V: Pupils make relevant contributions.
- One of the safety rules in physical education is to ___________________ the playground.
- One way of doing exercise without injury is for _____________ to support you.
- You must not ________________ any object anyhow
- Mention two ways safety is important in physical education.
(å) ____________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________
See also