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Ajayi Tunde. J

Ajayi Tunde J. is a dedicated Geography teacher with over 8 years of experience in teaching and curriculum development. Passionate about making geography engaging, he specializes in physical and human geography, GIS, and environmental studies. His expertise helps students understand global landscapes, climate patterns, and spatial relationships, equipping them with critical thinking skills for real-world applications.


Direction Wind direction is determined using wind vane. How It Works As the wind blows the arrow swings. The arrow points in the opposite direction of the wind flow. The… Read More »WIND


Humidity is the condition of atmosphere with reference to its water content. It’s measured with hygrometer or psychrometer which consists of wet and dry bulb thermometers kept in Stevenson screen.… Read More »HUMIDITY


Daily atmospheric conditions of a place at a particular time. Elements of Weather Temperature Humidity precipitation Precipitation Atmospheric pressure Wind Sunshine Cloud cover A Weather Station -A place where observation,… Read More »THE WEATHER
