SPEECH WORK /u/ A vowel sound is made with a free flow of air through the mouth without any obstruction either by the tongue or the lips e.g /e/ is… Read More »SPEECH WORK
I am Favour, an English Language teacher with 17 years of teaching experience. I hold a Bachelor's degree in English and a Master's in Applied Linguistics.
SPEECH WORK /u/ A vowel sound is made with a free flow of air through the mouth without any obstruction either by the tongue or the lips e.g /e/ is… Read More »SPEECH WORK
A formal letter is also known as official letter or business letter. It is the kind of letter we write to people we don’t know or are not used to.… Read More »FORMAL LETTER
What is an Adverb? An adverb is a word that is used to modify (to tell more about) a verb, an adjective, and another adverb. TYPES OF ADVERB Adverbs… Read More »ADVERBS
Identify the nouns in the following sentences No one understands why whales sometimes strand themselves. Since 1989, people in a group called Project Jonah have used an inflatable pontoon to… Read More »Identifying Types of Nouns
Meaning of Radioactivity Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration or breaking down of the nucleus of an atom which makes it give out or emit radiation. Any element that disintegrates spontaneously… Read More »RADIOACTIVITY – MEANING, USES, TYPES, EFFECTS, DANGER & PROPERTIES
Vocabulary: Astronomy The lexis and structures on the vocabulary of astronomy. Some of the words used include universe, orbits, planets, eclipse, cosmonaut, satellite, galaxies, etc. Astronomy: the Scientific study of… Read More »Vocabulary: Astronomy
Punctuation is the system of symbols that we use to separate sentences and parts of sentences, and to make their meaning clear. Each symbol is called a punctuation mark. For… Read More »PUNCTUATION
Capitalization is the writing of a word with its first letter as an upper case and the remaining letters in lower case. The following are the cases when capitalization is… Read More »Capitalization
QUESTION TAGS A question tag or a tag question is a phrase that is added at the end of a statement to turn into a question. When a speaker uses… Read More »QUESTION TAGS
Indirect speech is used to refer to a person’s words without quoting him or her exactly. It is also referred to as indirect quotation or reported speech. The original spoken… Read More »INDIRECT SPEECH
Direct speech is used to give a speaker’s exact words. It is also referred to as direct quotation. Direct speech is always enclosed within quotation marks. Examples: Hemedi announced, “My… Read More »DIRECT SPEECH
There are five kinds of sentences classified according to their end marks and the different jobs they do: (i) Declarative sentences (ii) Interrogative sentences (iii) Exclamatory sentences (iv) Imperative sentences… Read More »KINDS OF SENTENCES
A noun clause is a clause which takes the place of a noun or a noun phrase. It can be used in any way that a noun is used. That… Read More »NOUN CLAUSES
An adjectival clause acts as an adjective in a sentence, that is, it modifies a noun or a pronoun. Examples: The bushman, who knew the forest well, told us about… Read More »ADJECTIVAL CLAUSES
ADVERBIAL CLAUSES An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause which takes the place of an adverb in a sentence. Just like adverbs and adverbial phrases, adverbial clauses answer the questions… Read More »ADVERBIAL CLAUSES
A clause is a group of words that contains a verb and its subject. There are two types of clauses – main clauses and subordinate clauses. Main clauses A main… Read More »WHAT IS A CLAUSE?
Sentences can be categorized in terms of structure or in terms of purpose. (A) In terms of structure Sentences can be categorized into 3 main types: (i) Simple sentences (ii)… Read More »TYPES OF SENTENCES
Some sentences do not take objects or adverbs (or adverbial phrases) after the verbs. Instead, they take complements. A complement is the part of the sentence that gives more information… Read More »COMPLEMENTS
An object in a sentence is a word or words that complete the meaning of a sentence. It is involved in the action but does not carry it out. The… Read More »OBJECTS SENTENCE
The two fundamental parts of every English sentence are the subject and the predicate. A subject can be described as the component that performs the action described by the predicate.… Read More »SUBJECTS AND PREDICATES SENTENCE