We have seen that we can use adjectives to compare people, things or places. Adverbs can also be used to compare actions. And like adjectives, we use the comparative form… Read More »COMPARING WITH ADVERBS
I am Favour, an English Language teacher with 17 years of teaching experience. I hold a Bachelor's degree in English and a Master's in Applied Linguistics.
We have seen that we can use adjectives to compare people, things or places. Adverbs can also be used to compare actions. And like adjectives, we use the comparative form… Read More »COMPARING WITH ADVERBS
Adverbs of time These answer the question when? Examples: He joined the class yesterday. Today, I will go to the cinema. Adverbs of place These answer, the question where? Examples:… Read More »SPECIFIC CATEGORIES OF ADVERBS
An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverb tells how, when, or where, or to what extent an action happens. Examples: HOW: The… Read More »ADVERBS
Most adjectives appear immediately before the nouns they are modifying e.g. Descriptive: The beautiful house belongs to my uncle. Demonstrative: That house belongs to my uncle. Numerals: Two houses were… Read More »POSITION OF ADJECTIVES IN SENTENCES
Those and Then Those is an adjective if it followed by a noun. It is a pronoun if it is used alone. Examples: Those thieves are daring! (adjective modifying thieves)… Read More »SPECIAL PROBLEMS WITH ADJECTIVES
Two special kinds of adjectives are the articles and the possessive pronouns. Articles Articles are the words a, an and the. A and an are special adjectives called indefinite articles.… Read More »ARTICLES AND POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS
The interrogative adjectives are used with nouns to ask questions. Examples are what, which, and whose. Examples: What movie do you want to see? Which leaves tern colour first? Whose son… Read More »INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVES
These are adjectives which tell how many or how much. They give the number or the quantity, either specific or approximate, of the noun in question. They are also referred… Read More »DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ADJECTIVES
A demonstrative adjective tells which one or which ones. They are used before nouns and other adjectives. There are 4 demonstrative adjectives in English: This, that, these and those. This… Read More »DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES
Descriptive adjectives tell us the size, shape, age, colour, weight, height, make, nature and origin of the nouns they are describing. Descriptive adjective are of two types. 1) Common descriptive… Read More »DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVES
An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun. To describe or modify means to provide additional information about nouns or pronouns. To modify further… Read More »ADJECTIVES
Some pairs of verbs confuse learners of English because their meanings are related but not the same. Others confuse them because they sound similar, but their meanings are different. Others… Read More »TROUBLESOME PAIRS OF VERBS
Some sentences express a complete thought with only a subject and an action verb. Example: The sun shines. Subject Active verb In other sentences, a direct object must follow the action… Read More »TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS
Active Voice A verb is in active voice when the subject of the sentence performs the action. Examples: Our teacher punished us for making noise in class. Subject action Players arrived… Read More »ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VERB FORMS
We have learned in previous lesson how to form the past tense and how to use helping verbs to show that something has already happened. We saw that for most… Read More »REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS
Present tense A verb and its subject must agree in number. To agree means that if the subject is singular, the verb must be in singular form. If the subject… Read More »SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT
The progressive form of the verb shows continuing action. Examples: I am singing She was dancing. The progressive form is formed using various forms of the verb be plus the… Read More »THE PROGRESSIVE VERB FORMS
The perfect tenses are used to show that an action was completed or that a condition existed before a given time. The perfect tenses are formed using has, have, or… Read More »THE PERFECT TENSES
A verb which is in future tense tells what is going to happen. Examples: Evans will take his car to the garage. She will probably come with us. The verbs will… Read More »THE FUTURE TENSE
The most common tenses of the verb are the simple tenses. You use them most often in your speaking and writing. Present simple tense. Look at the following sentences. (a)… Read More »THE SIMPLE TENSES