To observe prepared slides of transverse section of stems of herbaceous and woody plants.

Permanent slides of transverse sections of:

  1. Herbaceous plant and Woody plant are obtained.
  2. The permanent slide of an herbaceous plant is placed onto the stage of the microscope.
  3. Observations under the low power and medium power objective are made.
  4. A plan diagram is drawn and labeled.
  5. The permanent slide of a woody plant is placed on the stage of the microscope.
  6. Observations under the low power and medium power objectives are made.
  7. A plan diagram is drawn and labeled.
  8. In both cases, support tissues such as parenchyma, collenchyma, sc1erenchyma and xylem are observed.

To observe wilting in young herbaceous plants.

  1. A herbaceous potted plant e.g. bean plant is obtained.
  2. The plant is placed on the bench near a window and left for 3 days without watering on the third and subsequent day.
  3. The shoot droops due to fall in turgor pressure; caused by water loss.

To examine the exoskeleton in an arthropod.

  1. Obtain a beetle and observe the external structure.
  2. The exoskeleton is on the outer surface with muscles attached on inner side.
  3. The exoskeleton is hardened by chitin.
  4. Movement is due to joints on the limbs.
  5. Also examine various shed cocoons of insects e.g., butterfly.

To observe the external features of a finned fish.

  1. Fresh Tilapia is obtained and placed on a tray.
  2. Observations are made on the external features of the fish.
  3. A labeled drawing is made.
  4. Features like scales, fins a streamlined body and an operculum are seen.
  5. Opened operculum reveals the gills.

To examine bones of the axial skeleton of a rabbit.

  1. Bones of the vertebra column are obtained.
  2. These are cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral.
  3. For each of the bones the distinguishing features are listed down.
  4. Labeled drawings of the anterior and lateral views are made.

To observe bones of appendicular skeleton.

  1. Bones of pectoral girdle and fore limb are obtained i.e., scapula, humerus, ulna and radius.
  2. Labeled drawing of each bone is made.
  3. Observations on how the bones articulate with one another are made.
  4. Bones of pelvic girdle and hind limbs are obtained i.e., pelvic girdle, femur, tibia and fibula.
  5. Labeled drawings of each bone are made.
  6. The distinguishing features of each bone are noted.
  7. Observations on how the bones articulate with one another are made
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