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Computer personnel are those who assemble, install, repair and operate the computer system. The term equally includes those people who make their living out of the computer industry. They include the following:

  • Database Administrator
  • Software programmer
  • Hardware Engineers
  • System analysts
  • Web developers
  • Computer support specialist
  • Network Administrator
  • Network Engineers
  • Computer Technician
  • Microsoft office specialist
  • Computer Educators

A Database administrator is in charge of storing, organizing, presenting, using and analyzing data and database management software. A database administrator set up new computer databases or integrating data from old system to new systems.  Performs routine tests and modifications to ensure that a database is performing and running correctly. A database administrator troubleshoots the programs and hardware based on the findings, repairs or changes can be made to fix the problems.

Primary Functions

Database server and applications are installed and upgraded by him.

He allocates system storage and any

  1. Software Programmer

A Software Programmer is the one that writes a set of instructions to be executed by the computer. He designs, builds and tests software before releasing any software for public consumption.


  • He plans, writes, tests and maintains all programs and packages installations.
  • Installation and testing of routines application is carried out by him.
  • He codes, debugs tests and keeps routine application programs.
  • He writes a program once the system analyst designs a system after much consultation with the system manager.
  • Training of the subordinate in programming and program coding is done by him.
  • He assists users with procedural or minor technical problems
  • He enters test data and programs code into the system
  • He assigns, coordinates and review work of programming personnel.
  • Collaborates with computer manufactures and other users to develop new programming methods.
  1. Hardware Engineer

System Engineer: Is in control of all installation of hardware of the computer system. He is in charge of servicing, repairing and general maintenance of the system.  Computer hardware engineers design and develops computer hardware and support peripherals. They are the brain behind any computer generated technology.

Computer Software Engineer: He or she focuses on the development and design of computer software. The software design includes the design of applications and programs that create and store text documents to the operating systems used in personal computers.

System analyst: A system analyst carries out feasibility study on a system. He is the person who thinks of likely problems that may arise from the system and application software and he proffers solutions. He works closely with computer manager and his counterpart in the programming department.

Primary Functions

He is responsible for collecting information to analyze and evaluate existing system.

Preparation of Flowchart and Diagrams explaining system capability and processes.

Specifying and designing Computer system as well as implementing and maintaining them.

He undertakes research and recommends hardware and software development, purchase and use.

He ensures that new technical requirements are properly integrated with the existing ones.

  1. Web Developers

A web developer is a programmer whose primarily function is to develop and write a program development on worldwide web applications or distributed network applications that can run over HTTP from a web server to a web browser.

Primary Functions

  1. He write program, test and debug all web applications.
  2. He designs, develops, test and deploy web applications.
  3. He develops appropriate code structures to solve specific problems.
  4. He prepare and coordinate intranet web updates and internet website changes.
  5. He fixes bug, troubleshoot and resolve problems.
  6. He researches and process software programs that are compatible to the future technologies.


  1. Data Analyst

They are professionals, who collect, maintain and troubleshoot problems generated from the storage of digital information. A data analyst works in the information technology field in assessing and organizing data generated from research, customer relations or business relations. They develop tools or software programs that present data in a useful format for business needs.

  1. Data Entry Clerk

Data entry clerk, also known as Data Entry Keyers, compiles and transfer information for business, government agencies and other organizations. Data entry clerks compile orders, invoices and memo in an organized manner and input the relevant information into computers using software and templates.

  1. Network Administrator

They install, configure, expand, protect, upgrade, tuning and repairing the networks. Network Administrators install, manage and maintaining ICT infrastructure such as hubs, switches, routers, cables, server and clients as well as network software operating systems e.g mail server, backup software, database servers and application software.

  1. Enterprise System Administrator

This is a professional that install, manage and maintaining of ICT cabling/ transport network and architecture. He develops and implement IT security and data center as regards to the overall network.

  1. Computer Educator

A computer educator trains up user to have knowledge of computer hardware and software.

  1. Computer support specialist

He provides technical assistance to computer system users, resolve computer problems in person, through telephone or from remote locations. He also renders service concerning the use of computer hardware and software, including printing, installation, word processing, electronic mail and operating services.

Qualities of Good Computer Professionals

A good computer professional must possess the following qualities:

  1. Excellent analytical skills that can be applied to solve problems or develop new ideas.
  2. Must pay attention to detail to ensure everything works correctly and efficiently.
  3. Show commitment to learning to keep abreast to the latest trend in information technology.
  4. Must possess good communication skills.
  5. He or she must have strong interest for maths which is useful in many computer applications like programming.
  6. Must have the ability to learn and memorize programming languages.
  7. Must possess the ability to handle multitasking i. e.g. ability to perform many tasks at once and must be able to manage all his responsibilities simultaneously.
  8. Computer professionals should be able to solve or troubleshoot problems with network, software and other programs.
  9. A good computer professional must possess technical writing skill.


  1. Define computer professionals.
  2. Mention seven computer professionals and explain the primary functions.
  3. State five qualities of  a good computer Professionals.


  1. State one difference between a computer professional and computer user.
  2. List five computer professionals and explain their primary functions.
  3. State five qualities of a good computer Professionals.

See also






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