OUTPUT DEVICESComputer output device is a device that releases the processed data from the computer to either the user or any of the storage devices. There are many devices that produce data in different forms such as audio, Visual and hard copy. Computer output devices are type of peripheral devices connected to a computer, using cables or a wireless network. TYPES OF OUTPUT DEVICEØ Printer Ø Speaker Ø Headphones Ø Monitor The MonitorMonitor is an output device. Monitor is also known as screen, Visual Display Unit, Cathode Ray tube (CRT) or console. A monitor looks like TV screen and it is used for viewing the result of the operation going on. This is the major function of the monitor in the computer system. Data entered into the system is visible on the screen. Although, the data appears on the screen directly, the real fact is that data is sent directly into the system unit which invariably displays the data. What is being displayed is called softcopy. Monitors come in different sizes such as the 12” 13” 16” 21” e.t.c. External features of the Monitor
TYPES OF MONITORThere are two types of monitor, which are the monochrome and colour/ polychrome monitor. The MONOCHROME monitor displays only one colour. Monochrome cannot be used for windows application. The COLOUR monitor can show graphics and texts with several colours.
The different types of colour monitor include;
Cathode Ray tube: The most common type of monitor for the office and home is the Cathode Ray Tube. This may be due to their low cost and precision. Flat Panel Monitors: They are commonly used by laptops, Notebooks, palmtops and flat screen Monitors common referred to as LCDS. They are less bulky.
The teacher summarizes the lesson and allows student to ask questions to clear doubts.
Assessment1. Define Input device 2. Give examples of input device AssignmentMake a research online about features of mouse and keyboard |
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