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/k/ – To produce, the back of the tongue makes contact with the velum. This contact results in a total obstruction of the flow of air. The air pressure which builds up in suddenly released with an explosive sound. The glottis is open so that the local cord do not vibrate as /k/ is produced. This consonants which is voiceless velar plositive, has many spelling symbols. E.g.

  • “K” as in King
  • “C” as in coat
  • “CC” as in account
  • “Ch” as in chemist
  • “g” as in liquid
  • “ck” as in back

The “K” is usually not pronounced before “n” at the beginning of words like: “Knock” and “Know”.

/K/ at   Initial Position                         Final Position

  1. Cop Poke
  2. Kin Nick
  • Kill Lick
  1. Calm Mark

/g/ – This consonant is the voiced counterpart of /K/. This means that the process of production of /g/ is similar to that of /k/ except that the vocal cords vibrates as /g/ is produced. /g/ is therefore spelt “g” and “gh” as in “give” and “ghost” respectively. The “g” is not pronounced before “n” at the beginning or end of words such as “gnaw”, “gnash”, “sign” and “reign” and before “m” at the end of words such as “paradigm” and “diaphragm”. Pronounce the following word with /g/ at the beginning and the end of the words.

/g/ at   Initial Position                         Final Position

  1. god dog
  2. gel leg
  • gas sag
  1. gum mug
  2. gut tug



Write 10 words showing /k/ and /g/ at the initial and final position.

See also

Narrative Essay | MY LAST BIRTHDAY



Irony, Euphemism and Hyperbole

Expository Essay

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