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Rights and duties are two important aspects of citizenship, and while they are closely connected, they have distinct differences. Here are the key differences between rights and duties of citizens:

1. Nature:
– Rights: Rights are inherent to individuals and are often considered fundamental. They are generally seen as protections granted to citizens by the government or recognized as natural rights that every person possesses.
– Duties: Duties are obligations that citizens have towards their society, community, and the government. They are responsibilities that citizens are expected to fulfill.

2. Focus:
– Rights: Rights primarily focus on the individual and their entitlements. They safeguard individual freedom, liberty, and autonomy. They provide individuals with the ability to exercise their choices and express themselves freely.
– Duties: Duties primarily focus on the collective welfare and the responsibilities citizens have towards their community and society as a whole. They emphasize the contribution and active participation of citizens in the betterment of their nation.

3. Legal Status:
– Rights: Rights are usually legally recognized and protected. They are often enshrined in constitutions, legislation, or international human rights conventions, ensuring their legal enforceability.
– Duties: Duties are also legally recognized, but they are more broadly understood as moral or civic obligations rather than legally enforceable requirements. They are typically outlined in laws, codes of conduct, or societal norms.

4. Individual vs. Community:
– Rights: Rights are primarily exercised by individuals to protect their own interests and well-being. They provide individuals with entitlements that safeguard their personal autonomy, privacy, and freedoms.
– Duties: Duties are focused on the collective good and require citizens to actively contribute to their community. They promote civic responsibility, social cohesion, and the common welfare of society.

5. Voluntariness:
– Rights: Rights are inherent to individuals and are not subject to voluntary acceptance or fulfillment of specific conditions. They are granted to all citizens by virtue of their humanity or citizenship status.
– Duties: Duties are considered obligations that citizens willingly undertake as members of a society. They may arise from citizenship, legal requirements, or social contracts, and citizens are expected to fulfill them voluntarily.

6. Rights are what people must enjoy in the country. Duties on the other hand are the compulsory things peoples must do for their country.

7. Rights are given to us by the constitution, whereas, duties are those things expected of the people by the constitution

8. Right are enjoyed by citizens irrespective of sex, religion, tribe and social status. Duties on the other hand are expectations from certain categories of individuals in the society.

9. Our basic freedom is protected by rights; whereas duties are those actions we must perform to enjoy our freedom.

It’s important to note that while rights and duties are distinct concepts, they are interdependent. Citizens’ rights are often balanced by corresponding duties, and the exercise of rights should not infringe upon the rights of others or undermine the responsibilities citizens have towards their society.

See also:

Capitalist democracy

Employment: Definition, Factors and Poverty


Law and Order

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