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Drama is defined as a penetration of life through artificial means. It is an imitation of an action. It is a type of story that exists mainly in action and performed on the stage by different characters. The origins of Drama are likely to be found in early religions ceremonies and festivals. This aspect of literature entertains, teaches moral lessons and helps to bring into focus life-in-action outside our immediate environment. The characters in a play are called actors.


Features of Drama

  1. Local Colour:This is the feature of drama which emphasizes the customs, norms, values and setting of the play.
  2. Dialogue:This reveals the minds of the characters, it has action and also is designed for theatre, it must have actors who could impersonate characters and perform the action
  3. Flash back:This is a device where a scene recalls an event in the past
  4. Protagonist:This is the main character of the play through whom the playwright said his message. He/She is also called the hero or heroine of the play
  5. Antagonist: This Greek original form which this term is coined means “rival” In drama, the term refers to the main opponent of the play’s central character or hero known as the protagonist with whom their paths cross and re-cross in the course of the events. In other words, the antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist
  6. Suspense: This term refers to a device in plays and friction as well by which the reader- audience’s anxiety about unfolding events is raised and left unresolved until the end of the dramatic action or denouement. Curiosity about audience guessing and therefore glued, as it were, to the feet or stage to the end
  7. Cast:The cast IS the complete list of all actors scheduled to appear in the performance of a play.
  8. Auditor: This refers to a theatre practice in which actors of a play are selected to play specific assigned roles in the performance.
  9. Soliloquies:When a character is said to be soliloquizing



  1. Tragedy:In a tragedy drama, the most important character (Hero) has a lot of good qualities which endear him to the people but he/she also has some negative traits or weakness, which causes his/her failure and downfall, (tragic flaw) which also bring some serious troubles that makes him/her lose his/her life or his/her power. e.g. Macbeth by William Shakespeare, The God’s are not to be Blame by Ola-Rotimi
  2. Comedy: This is a play where the story and the characters are amusing and which ends happily.
  3. Tragic-Comedy:This is a mixture of tragedy and comedy and a tragic-comedy is a drama where we are happy on one side but sad on the other. 


Characterization his to do with the description, representation and analysis of the various characters in a play/novel. It means the way in which the author/playwright presents or portrays his characters.

Types of Character

  1. Static Characters:They hardly change in a play/novel or play and considerable role. They neither move nor change position throughout the novel/play. The opposites of static character is dynamic character
  2. Dynamic Character: These are the characters that change with time and with different experience throughout the novel/play. Most of the times, they grow from ignorance to maturity as the plot advances.
  3. Round Character: They are like dynamic characters hence we are able to be presented with their bad and good traits.
  4. Minor-Character:Is a character that features regularly in a novel
  5. Flat Character:Who are at times called Caricature; they maintain only one side in the novel/play. They are stable and static, because they maintain same values, attitudes, ontholee.t.c. from the start to the end of the story

Note that the three(3) main ways to determine and assess a character in a play or novel are:

  1. What a person does
  2. What he says of himself/herself
  • What other say about him/her


Online Work

Write short note on the following:

  1. Dynamic character
  2. Flat character
  3. Round character



  1. How do the following terms feature in a given dramatic presentation?
  2. Flashback
  3. Dialogue
  4. Suspense
  5. What are the forms of drama


See also






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