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Social Problems as they Affect the Individual

The following are some of the social problems affecting individuals in Nigeria:

  1. Sexual immorality: Unwholesome evil pressures from the opposite sex that exposes individuals to varieties of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as syphilis, gonorrhoea, herpes, staphylococcus, HIV/AIDS, and unwanted pregnancies, dropping out of school and thus truncating one’s education and early unplanned premature marriage or single parenthood for ladies. etc.
  2. Poverty: Poverty caused by unemployment or high cost of living prevents individuals to meet their basic needs of life. Poverty itself generates malnutrition, sicknesses and diseases. This sometimes lead to divorce cases and broken homes. Children who could not complete their education due to poverty of their parents sometimes end up becoming miscreants, area boys, prostitutes etc in the society.
  3. Negative peer pressure: Peer pressure on some youths in institutions of higher learning has made them join secret cults that ruin their careers. Peer group influence also cause some youths to become drug addicts that may lead them to insanity, schizophrenic disorders like paranoia, psychosis and untimely death.
  4. Crimes: Crimes in the society have led to insecurity of individual lives and properties.


Social Problems as they Affect the Family

The following are some of the social problems affecting families in Nigeria:

  1. Conflict: Contemporary problems in the society such as unemployment have increased conflicts and squabbles at home. These occur when the father could not provide for the needs of the family. It may lead to divorce and broken homes
  2. Sexual immorality: Sexual immorality such as incest is now taking place in some families in Nigeria. Incest is a social taboo referring to sexual act between those who are related by blood. Extra-marital affairs by married men or women result in bringing diseases to the family; diseases such as STD, HIV/AIDS. Children especially the females are becoming wayward causing disgrace and heartache to parents.
  3. Indiscipline and Disobedience in the Family: Respect to the authority of parents break down. Wives no longer obey nor respect their husbands. Children’s disobedience increases, they rebel against their parents. The social fabric that make the home the basis for social stability in the society breaks down.
  4. Child abuse: Because of poverty and the need to make ends meet makes children to be engaged in street hawking which exposes them to all forms of evil such as kidnapping, raping, promiscuity, truancy or lateness to and absence from school, delinquency, etc.
  5. High Cost of Living: Many families in Nigeria today contend with high cost of living as they struggle to provide for their own security, water and light due to the inefficiency and corruption of public officers.
  6. Lack of Trust: The social problems in Nigeria have created lack of trust in the family. This often results in disunity where each member of the family behaves the way he or she likes.
  7. Divorce: Lack of trust, sexual promiscuity, and poverty have contributed a great deal to the high rate of divorce in Nigeria. The children often suffer as a result of divorce and often become socially unbalanced.

Social Problems Affecting the Nation

The following are some of the social problems affecting Nigeria as a nation:

  1. Political instability: Contemporary social problems such as electoral fraud and social injustice have led to political instability in Nigeria. Also military incursion into governance through coup d’état and counter coup d’etat had led to political instability and civil war in Nigeria. Political instability is characterized by frequent change of governments where authoritarian and dictatorial rules prevail.
  2. Social instability: This refers to breakdown of law and order in the society. Under this condition, there will be insecurity of lives and properties. Social problems such as crime, injustice, corruption, corruption and inefficiency have led to social instability.
  3. Militancy: Militancy due to perceived socio-economic injustice has led to instability in the oil producing Niger Delta where youths take up arms against the establishment. Other social-cultural groups becoming violent in different parts of Nigeria to demand for one thing or the other. Currently is the Terrorist group “Boko-Haram” (an Islamic Sect) bombing and destroying lives and property in parts of Northern Nigeria through suicide missions claiming that Western Education is Sin, but perceived to be a politically motivated sponsored group. These groups posed very serious security challenges to the country.
  4. Economic depression: Social problems such as corruption, inefficiency, greed, and selfishness have led to economic depression in Nigeria. Basic facilities and amenities such as pipe borne water, electricity, and health system are not functioning well.
  5. Disunity: Contemporary social issues and problems such as ethnicity have led to disunity in our country. This has resulted in ethnic and religious violence especially in the northern part of the country.



  1. List three social problems affecting families in Nigeria.
  2. Explain the taboo known as incest.
  3. State four social problems affecting Nigeria as a nation.
  4. Explain two of the stated social problems


  1. In what three ways do social problems affect individuals in Nigeria.
  2. How can one avoid STD and HIV/AIDS ?
  3. Explain the taboo known as incest.
  4. State four social problems affecting Nigeria as a nation.
  5. Explain two of the stated social problems.
  6. State ways by which contemporary social problems affect each of the following in Nigeria: (a) The Individual (b) The Family (c) The Nation


See also






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