English Language (All Classes)

The Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense is used for an action that is going on now.  It is important to note that the action in question is still going on as at the time of reporting. Look at this table: Subject      Auxiliary verb                  Main verb I                       […]

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Contrast of Pure Vowel /Ɔ/

Vowel /D/:- Is a short vowel.  To pronounce /D/ the tongue is low in the mouth but it is pushed towards the back.  The lips from a round shape.  g. (i)  Elliot lost his little dog. (ii)  Put the doll in the baby’s cot Vowel /Ɔ/:- to pronounce /Ɔ/, the tongue position and the round

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Comprehension | Vocabulary Development Marriage Related Words

Marriage is the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce).  E.g. A long and happy marriage we have the following marriage related words:  Courtship, date (dating), bride, bride, groom, bride price, dowry, fiancée, spinster, bachelor, reception, engagement, wedding, matrimony, wedlock, white wedding. White wedding: – A traditional wedding in

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Simple Past Tense

In our last class on grammar, we were looking at simple present tense, but now our focus will be on the simple past tense. THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE: is used for an action that took place in the past. For example: (i)  John drove to Lagos on Monday (ii)  Yesterday, I ate rice (iii)  I

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Tenses | The Present Tense

Tense is a grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time.  We shall look at the present tense. The present tense is used to show an action that occurs always or an occupation. For example – I live in New York. The moon goes around the earth. He eats rice every day. EVALUATION:

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Folktales are stories that are made up long ago to teach people and children how to live good lives and how to live wisely.  These stories are usually about animals (fables), birds, fish or insects that think and talk like human beings.  The stories are often amusing so that we enjoy hearing and reading them.



A formal letter is an official letter or business letter written to those in places of authority. A SAMPLE LETTER THAT CONTAINS ALLTHE FEATURES OF FORMAL LETTER Question          –           Write a letter of permission to be absent from school to the principal. Answer 7, Olanrewaju Street, Oke – Odo, Agege, Lagos. 27th November, 2018. The



Read the following passage carefully and do the exercise on it: The dog is a domestic animal whose usefulness is rarely appreciated by man.  It is not an ordinary animals. The dog is very loyal to man no matter the situation, the dogs remains faithful to man.  The popular saying in a marriage ceremony “for


Adverbials (Frequently and Manner)

Adverbs are words that adds more information to a verb, to an adjective and to another adverb.  We shall be looking at only two types of adverbs in this lesson: – Adverb of manner:- Which is used to show how an action is done e.g. fast, slowly, badly, well e.t.c. Sentence          –           (i)  It all

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Contrast of pure vowel /u/ /u:/D/

What is a vowel sound?  A vowel sound is a speech sound that is made with the vocal that being opened. We shall be contrasting three monothongs or pure vowels which are /u/, /u:/ and /D/ /u/                    /u:/                   /D/ Bull                 brute                cost Book               boom               cot Cook               two                  fog Cold                crew                stop Foot                 blue                 loss CLASS

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Consonant /m/, /n/ and /⌡/

These sounds are called nasal sounds. The nasal sound in English are consonants which are produced when the soft palate is lowered to close the oral cavity so that airstream passes through the nasal cavity. The nasals are /m/, /n/ and /J/ and they are all voiced. The lips are closed while the soft palate

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Consonant Sounds /k/ and /g/

/k/ – To produce, the back of the tongue makes contact with the velum. This contact results in a total obstruction of the flow of air. The air pressure which builds up in suddenly released with an explosive sound. The glottis is open so that the local cord do not vibrate as /k/ is produced.

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Narrative Essay | MY LAST BIRTHDAY

My Last Birthday Birthdays have always held a special place in my heart. They are a time of celebration, reflection, and gratitude. Each year, I eagerly anticipate the arrival of my birthday, eagerly awaiting the joyous occasion surrounded by loved ones. However, my last birthday was unlike any other I had experienced before. It was

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Punctuation marks is a sign mark used in writing to divide sentence and phrases. 1a. THE COMMA (,): It is used after ‘No’ and ‘Yes’. Example No, they never go to church Yes, we have done the assignment It is used in lists Ade pays tennis, volley ball and football It is used after all



For articulation of /s/, the tip and blade of the tongue make light contact with the alveolar fridge while the airstream passes through the groove created by partial obstruction. There is no vibration of the vocal cord as /s/ is produced. It is therefore, a voiceless, plosive, alveolar. The common spelling symbols are: “S” as

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Irony, Euphemism and Hyperbole

Irony, euphemism, and hyperbole are all figures of speech that add depth and meaning to language in different ways. Let’s explore each of these concepts: IRONY: 1. Irony: Irony is a literary or rhetorical device in which there is a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant or expected. It often involves a

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