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Temperature: for the cuttings to produce roots warm temperatures are required around the root zone while cool temperatures are important for the aerial part of the cuttings. For most species optimum day and light temperatures for rooting are 22 -27°c and 15-21° c respectively.

  1.  Relative humidity:Proper rooting of cuttings requires high humidity which lower the transpiration rate. it also increases and maintains leaf turgidity all the time. As such, cuttings should be rooted in green houses or under shady conditions, where relative humidity can be regulated. Sometimes the propagation area can be sprayed with water to keep it moist.
  2.  Light intensity:soft wood cuttings need high intensity light to produce roots. This is because light promotes the production of roots since it affects the rate of photosynthesis. Hard wood cuttings do well in dark conditions since they have high amount of stored carbohydrates and therefore rooting is excellent in darkness.
  3.  Oxygen supply:plentiful supply of oxygen is required for root formation. The rooting medium used must therefore be capable of allowing proper aeration.
  4.  Chemical treatment:these rooting hormones which promote the production of roots in cuttings.
  5.  Leaf area:Soft woods cuttings require a lot of leaves for photosynthesis while hardwood cuttings will produce roots better without leaves.

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