The family is the primary environment in which we all grow and develop. It provides the basic material needed for our survival, such as; food, shelter, clothing and our basic needs, guidance and love etc.



Family is a group of people that are related to one another by blood or marriage. It a basic unit of the society that is responsible for supporting caring for and preparing children for adulthood. Life means the period between birth and death. Education is the process in which a person acquires skills, value, and knowledge in order to do certain things.


Responsibilities of each Member of the family

                                Roles of the father

  1. The breadwinner of the family
  2. Maintain discipline
  3. Provide education for the children
  4. Provision of money for the family
  5. Makes important decisions


                              Roles of the mother

  1. Preparing food for the family
  2. Keeping the house in order
  3. Nurturing and raising God fearing children
  4. Teaching the children morals and values
  5. Takes minor decisions


                           Roles of the children

  1. Obeying their parents
  2. Assisting in performing house chores such as laundry, washing cooking, sweeping and running errands for their parents
  3. Respecting their parents and elders
  4. Living up to the family’s expectations
  5. Performing well in school

Sex education

Sex: the state of being male or female

Sex also refers to sexual urge or instinct, sexual intercourse, sex activity as it manifests itself in behavior


Sex education: is the education given to adolescents on sex and its related issues formally and informally, as an integral part of growing up.


Pre-marital sex

Pre-marital sex is the sex between parties not married to each other


Health implications of pre-marital sex

  1. Unwanted pregnancies
  2. Unwanted children
  3. Life-long emotional effects (regret, guilt and broken hearts)
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases or venereal diseases such as: gonorrhea, syphilis, aids and HIV
  5. Sterility in Male and infertility in female
  6. Physical torture or death



Puberty is the stage in human physiological development when somebody becomes capable of sexual reproduction. It is marked by genital maturation, development of secondary sex characteristic in puberty both boys and girls experience a swift increase in body size, a change in shape and composition of the body, and a rapid development of the reproductive organs and other characteristics marking sexual maturity.


Physical changes that take place in boys during puberty

  1. Boys voice gets deeper
  2. His muscles develop
  3. His chest gets broader
  4. Hair starts to grow under his arms, on his legs and face
  5. During this time, his penis and testicles will also grow bigger and longer
  6. Hair often called pubic hair, will also start to grow at the base of his penis
  7. He will start to have erections and he may have wet dreams


     Physical Changes that take place in girls during puberty

  1. The nipples start to enlarge
  2. Few pubis hairs develop
  3. Enters into a period of relatively rapid growth
  4. The ovaries begin to produce estrogen
  5. Her hips get rounder
  6. Hair will start grow under her arms
  7. Breast will start to grow
  8. Her face gets rounder



  • This is the expression of feelings opinions or desires without violating the rights of people
  • Characteristic of assertive people are:
  • They feel free to express their feelings, thoughts, and desires
  • They are able to initiate and maintain comfortable relationships with other people
  • They know their rights
  • They have control over their emotion


Communication skills

Communication is the act of successfully sharing meaningful information with people by means f an interchange of experience. Effective communication contains sex elements. These are: clear, concise, correct, complete, courteous and constructive.


See also






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