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Life Span Continuum

Life Span continuum refers to a series of similar events that takes place throughout the length of time a person is likely to live. These events could be categorized into those that are emotional or developmental and those that are biological or reproductive.

Some of these events may be different within different cultures and from individuals;

  • Emotional Development: Body exploration including genitals (from a few months through adolescence)
  • Altitude Development; (either positive or negative) towards own body begin from a few months through ages(5-10)
  • Have a sense of being male or female (from 18 months on)
  • Enjoy touch (throughout life)
  • Becomes aware or curious about gender or body differences (ages 2 into young adulthood)
  • Mimic adult sexual behavior (age 3 through adolescence)
  • Able to have child (11-12 until 45+)
  • Show strong interest in male/female gender roles that are often stereo typed (5-6 through adolescence)
  • Many experiment with different sexual behavior (as young as 3-5 till death)
  • Ready to have a child (22+ for girls, 25 to boys)
  • Can no longer bear a child (menopause 45+ for women)
  • Have basic sexual orientation 18months and older.
  • Ready to marry.
  • Have friends of both sexes.
  • Face decision making about sexual activity.
  • Feel awkward and wonder Am I normal? Puberty into young adulthood.
  • Strongly influenced by peer group.
  • Can get a sexually transmitted disease.
  • More stable in commitment and giving.
  • Go to work and take on responsibilities.

Biological Reproductive

Luenced by the

  • Wet dreams (10-15yrs)
  • Male begins to produce sperm and semen 10-15yrs
  • Female able to get pregnant (10-13yrs)
  • Girls begin to menstruate (10-15yrs)
  • Female body shape changes (10-15yrs)
  • Male develop muscles (12-15yrs)
  • Menopause (45-55yrs)
  • Able to get sexually transmitted diseases STI (Sexual transmitted infections including HIV – birth and infancy).

Factors that  influence  individual sense of self worth (Body image).

Body image means the way a person feels about his or her physical appearance. There are differences in the physical appearance of people which can be influenced by the following factors:

  1. Accepting one’s weakness and strength;
  2. Culture and tradition;
  3. Mass media
  4. Religious teaching;
  5. Environment;
  6. Gender;
  7. Societal norms;
  8. Individual achievements;
  9. Economic background and
  10. Individual’s family


  1. Series of similar events that takes place throughout the length of time a person is likely to live is ——
  2. Which of the following is not an expression of feeling, desire and fantasies in lifetime?
  3. attitude development b. enjoys touch c. curiosity about gender internet for opposite sex
  4. Self worth can be influenced by the following factors except
  5. Family b. Environment c. Mass media d. Food
  6. Which of the following is not part of the biological or reproductive events in lifetime–?
  7. wet dream b. male producing sperm c. Girls menstruate d. Impossible to get sexually transmitted disease/HIV.


  1. Explain the term Life span continuum.
  2. Enumerate six factors that influence individual sense of self worth.

See also


Energy Transfer (When work is done)




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