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This, as the name implies, is the account where either the profit or loss of the partnership business is shared between or among the partners as stipulated in the partnership agreement. The profit and loss appropriation account marks the beginning of the difference between the final accounts of a sole trader and that of a partnership. This is because while the sole trader does not share his profit with any-body, the profit of the partnership must be shared by the partners.


Some Terminologies in profit & Loss Appropriation Account of a partnership

  1. Drawings:- Partners can withdraw at regular or irregular intervals, from the sum they are entitled to at the end of the year. The total drawings is credited to the cash book and debited to current accounts.
  2. Interest on drawings:-This is the interest charged on drawings made by the partners. In order to discourage or reduce the amount of cash withdrawn, a fixed sum or % will be charged as interest. The interest on drawing will increase net profit and discourage drawings. It can be calculated on monthly basis.

Interest is calculated from the date the amount is withdrawn to the end of the financial year.

  1. Partners’ Salary: – The agreement made provision for salary to be paid to active partners. It is desirable to compensate the active partner for the day-to-day running of the business.
  2. Interest on Capitals: Partners contribute different amounts as capital. In order to compensate the partners for capital contributed, interest on capital is allowed.



There is no significant difference between the balance sheet of a sole trader and that of a partnership. The only difference is on the display of capital accounts and current accounts of partners which will be illustrated in the formats below:-


Format 1

Trading, profit and loss of A and B Enterprises for the year ended 31st December 2006

N       N                                                       N       N

Opening stock                                     x                  Sales                               x

Add Purchases                            x                           less Returns inwards         x        x

Add Carriage inwards                  x


Less Returns Outwards                x        x

Cost of goods available for sale       x

Less Closing stock                                x

Cost of goods sold                            x

Gross profit c/d                                x

X                                                                 x


Wages and salaries                               x                  Gross profit b/d                      x

Depreciation of assets                          x                  Discounts received                      x

Sundry expenses                                  x

Bad debts                                            x

Interest on loan                                   x

Discount allowed                                  x

Carriage outwards                                x

Net profit c/d                                    x

X                                                                 X

Format 2

Profit and Loss Appropriation account A and B

N       N                                              N       N

Partners salary                           x                  Net profit b/d                            x

Interest on capital: A        x                           Interest on drawings:

B        x        x                                     A        x

Share of profit                                                                  B        x        x

A (½ x)                  x

B (½ x)                  x        x                                                        __

X                                                        x


 Format 3

Balance sheet of A and B Enterprises as at 31st Dec 2006

N       N                                    N       N

Capital accounts                               Fixed assets

A                 x                  Furniture & fitting   x

B                 x        x        Less depreciation    x        x

Current accounts                              Motor van                        x

A                 x

B                 x        x        Current assets

Current liabilities                             Stock                     x

Loan                                x                  Debtor                             x

Creditors                         x                  Bank                      x

Expenses owing                x        x        Cash in hand          x        x

X                                              x


O and D are in partnership sharing profit and loss in the ratio 3:2. The following is the Trial Balance as at 31 December 2005

DR                         CR

Capital         O                                                                100,000

D                                                                  50,000

Drawings: O                                 6,000

:  D                                          5,000

Purchases                                  120,000

Sales                                                                      200,000

Sales returns                                 4,000

Purchases returns                                                       2,000

Stock at 1st January 2005            10,000

Carriage inwards                           1,200

Salaries and wages                     15,000

Bad debts                                     1,000

Office expenses                             2,400

Loan-Okafor                                                              14,000

Provision for doubtful debts                                            300

Discounts allowed                          1,150

Discounts received                                                        1,100

Building at cost                          30,000

Machinery at cost                       109,000

Cash at bank                                 8,000

Motor van at cost                       50,000

Electricity                                         50

Provision for dep. on motor van                                  10,000

Debtors                                     20,000

Creditor                                                                    10,000

Bills payable                                                                9,000

Bills receivable                           17,500

Carriage outwards                           500

Currents account: O                                                     1,500

D                                                    3,000

400,900                  400,900


Additional Information

  1. Stock at close N 15,000
  2. Salaries and wages accrued N 1,000

iii.      Electricity prepaid N 20

  1. Interest on capital at 10%
  2. Interest on drawings at 5%
  3. Depreciate motor can 10% on cost

vii.     Partnership salary: O N 2,000

viii.     Provision for doubtful debts to be reduced to N 200

viiii.    O withdrew N 7,000 goods for own use


You are required to:

  1. Prepare the Trading, Profit and loss account for the year ended 31 Dec, 2006.
  2. Partners’ capital account
  3. Balance sheet as at 31st Dec. 2006




Trading, Profit and Loss of O and D for the year ended 31st December 2006.

N                 N                                                       N                 N

Opening stock                            10,000                   Sales                                    200,000

Add purchases        120,000                                    Less Returns inward s                4,000

Add carriage inwards  1,200


Less Ret outwards      2,000


Less Goods withdrawn 7,000       112,200

Cost of Goods available for sale   122,200

Less closing stock                          15,000

Cost of goods sold                     107,200

Gross profit          c/d                          88,800

196,000                                             196,000



Expenses                                                              Gross profit bld                   88,800

Salaries and wages (wk 1)              16,000                Discount received                      1,100

Decrease in provision for

Bad debts                                       1,000                     bad debts (wk 3)                   100

Office expenses                               2,400

Discount allowed                             1,150

Electricity (wk 4)                                  30

Carriage outwards                              500

Depreciation-motor can (wk 2)         5,000

Net profit c/d                          63,920

90,000                                                        90,000


Appropriation account

N                 N                                              N                 N

Net profit                                  63,920

Partner salary – O                      2,000           Interest on drawings:

Interest on capital:                                             O                 300

O                 10,000                                      D                 250                   550

D                   5,000        15,000

Share of profit:

D                 18,988

O                 28,482         47,470

64,470                                                        64,470



Partnership Columnar current account

O                 D                                              O                 D

N                 N                                              N                 N

Drawings                6,000           5,000           Balance b/f             1,500           3,000

Int on drawings         300              250           Share of profit       28.482         18,988

Goods withdrawn    7,000          –                  Interest on capital  10,000           5,000

Balance c/d            28,692                   21,738                   Salary                     2,000               -____

41,982        26,988                                     41,982        26,988



Bal b/d                 28,692        21,738

Balance sheet as at 31st December 2006

N             N                                    N       NN

Capital: O                          100,000

D                            50,000         150,000         Fixed assets

Building                      30,000      30,000

Current account:                                                        Machinery                109,100     109,100

O                                      28,682                            Motor van     50,000                    139,100

D                                      21,738         50,420          Less Depr.    15,000                      35,000


Current liabilities                                                     Current assets

Loan Okafor                       14,000                              Stock                        15,000

Creditors                           10,000                              Bank                           8,000

Bills payable                          9,000                              Debtors         20,000

Wages owing                        1,000 34,000                    Less provision    200    19,800

Bills receivable            17,500

Electricity prepaid            20          60,320

234,420                                                    234,420



  1. Salaries and wages

Amount paid           15,000

+  Owing                   1,000

Profit and loss        16,000

  1. Depreciation: Motor van

10% x 50,000

Profit and loss        5,000

Accumulated depreciation = 10,000 + 5,000 = 15,000

  1. Provision for bad debts 4.       Electricity               50

Old provision                    300                            Less  Prepaid               20

Less New provision           200                                 Profit and loss        30

Profit and loss                  100

  1. Interest on capital: 6.       Share of profit

O : 10% x 100,000                                                 O = 3/5 x 47,470 = 28,482

= 10,000                                                               D = 2/5 x 47,470 = 18,988

D : 10% x 50,000

= 5,000

  1. Interest on drawings:

O : 5% x 6,000

= 300

D : 5% x 5,000

= 250


  1. Explain (a) appropriation account (b)   Balance sheet
  2. What is interest on capital?



Use the following information to answer questions 1 – 5.  A, B, and C are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2:1 respectively. Their capital accounts are A: N60,000 B. N40,000 and C: N 30,000. Interest on capital is agreed at 5% p.a. interest on drawings is also agreed at 5% p.a. Their drawings for the year are: A: N 6,000 B: N 4,000 and C: N 3,000. The profit for the year before appropriation is N 30,000 C is entitled to a partnership salary of N2,000 p.a

  1. What is the total of A and B’s interest on capital? (a) N4,000 (b) N3,000 (c) N5,000

(d) N10,000

  1. What is the total of B and C’s interest on drawing? (a) N350 (b) N250, (c) N450

(d) N400

  1. Total interest on the partners’ capital for the year is (a) N7,000 (b) N6,000 (c) N6,500 (d) N5,500
  2. Total credit entries in the appropriation account is (a) N550 (b) N30,000 (c) N35,500

(d) N30,550

  1. Which of the following is not debited to the profit and loss appropriation account?

(a) C’s salary (b) Partner’s interest on capital (c) Share of profit (d) Share of loss



  1. Write short notes on (a) Interest on capital (b) Interest on drawing
  2. Give the double entries for the following in the final account of a partnership. (i) Interest on drawings N500 (ii) Partnership salary N3,000 (iii) Interest on capital N5,000 (iv) Share of profit N10,000



  • List five items that are debited in the sales ledger control account
  • List five items that are credited in the purchases ledger control account
  • List five subsidiary books from which the sales ledger control is compiled
  • State five contents of the Appropriation Account of a partnership
  • List five characteristics of depreciable assets


See also




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