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The interrogative adjectives are used with nouns to ask questions. Examples are what, which, and whose.

Examples: What movie do you want to see? Which leaves tern colour first? Whose son is he? An interrogative adjective may look like an interrogative pronoun but it is used differently.

It is an adjective, used to modify a noun.


Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.

  1. Twenty bulls were slaughtered for wedding.
  2. Few people know the name of our president.
  3. They stole all the money in the safe.
  4. There isn’t much sugar in the dish.
  5. Numerous disasters have hit China this year.
  6. What game is playing on TV tonight?
  7. Whose car is that one over there?
  8. Which house was broken into?
  9. I don’t know what misfortune has faced him.
  10. Nobody knows which table was taken.

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