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The terms physical education consist of two terms Physical and Education. Physical refers to the outward appearance of an individual in terms of the body composition. It refers to physical make-up or attribute of an individual as regard the trunk, head, hands, legs, height, weight etc. The physical attributes of an individual describe he or she at first appearance.

Education can be defined as a process of training and re-training an individual either formally or informally in other to bring about a change in the behavior of the learner. Physical Education can be defined as the process by which the general make-up or well-being of an individual is improve upon through active participation in physical activities, sports and games


Physical Education is the process by which changes in an individual is brought about through movement experiences, it aims not only at physical development but also concerned with education  of the whole person through some well planned physical activities.


It is a long life education which starts from conception till death (that is, from cradle to grave). Physical and health education-: can be defined as the acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary to help the development of the body, mind and spirit in other to promote health and wellness.


Physical education can also be defined as a part of general education which helps to develop the body. It also enhances total fitness, growth and all round development of the body through selected physical activities.


Physical Education is a process of developing the body and mind through movement and carefully selected physical activities. It is the education that is concerned with educating the child through physical activities these physical activities cover a wide field which include games, gymnastics, athletics, swimming, recreation etc.

Physical education is also referred to as an integral part of education that develops an individual physically, mentally, socially and emotionally through a well selected and a well planned physical activities.


The word “Physical” refers to the body. It is often used with reference to various body characteristics such as physical strength, physical power, physical development, physical appearance while the education may mean different things to different people but generally, it is a training that comes through studies. It`s used to train an individual to be a complete man who will be useful to himself and his society.


  • Physical development: physical education helps to develop the muscles of the body through selected, well planned and programmed activities
  • Social development: Children learn desirable social attitudes during group activities. These attitudes lead to better social adjustment
  • Mental development: During physical education the mental capacity is further enlarged through the knowledge of the rules of the various games and sports
  • Emotional development: through physical activities, children learn how to be humble in victory and accept defeat gracefully. Also they learn to control their tempers during games and sports. These will in effect lead to sound mental health



  1. To train the muscles of the body
  2. To correct bad postures
  3. To create the interest and love for games in students
  4. To provide avenue for social interaction among students
  5. To develop the ability to reason and make decisions
  6. To provide career opportunities
  7. To encourage intentional cooperation and friendship through sports
  8. To enable the student to have a sense of leadership, loyalty and obedience


Branches of physical education

  1. Athletics
  2. Games
  3. Gymnastics
  4. Recreation
  5. Combative Sports
  6. Rhythmic and Dance
  7. Safety Education
  8. Aquatic Sports (Swimming)
  9. Fundamental movement
  10. Camping
  11. Dancing
  12. Sports


What is health?

The definition of health is best explained by the one given by the World Health Organization (WHO), Which states- Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of a person and not the mere absence of diseases and infirmity


HEALTH EDUCATION-Can be defined as the process through which one acquires health knowledge which is necessary for maintaining healthy living.



The objectives of health education are reasons health education is important generally.

  1. Health education helps to acquire and practice desirable health habits that lead to total fitness
  2. It gives awareness of communicable diseases, mode of transmission, prevention and cure
  3. It provides the knowledge of basic first –aid and injury management
  4. It provides knowledge of nutrition, food nutrients that are essential for proper growth and development.
  5. It provides information on drugs, drug abuse, drug misuse and dangers of self medication
  6. It also teaches personal cleanliness and environmental hygiene


Branches of health education

The branches of Health Education includes:

  1. Safety and first aid:
  2. Community health:
  3. Drug education
  4. Environmental health
  5. Disease (communicable disease and non-communicable disease)
  6. Food and nutrition
  7. Family planning
  8. Personal health
  9. Sex education
  10. Consumer health



  1. Physical education is the education that develops an individual…………………………………..
  2. Health education is about…………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3. Outline two importance of health education
  4. State four branches of health education
  5. Itemize four branches physical education
  6. The following are the objectives of physical education except. (a)fun and enjoyment (b) Improves physical fitness(c)Causes fatigue (d)development of body skills
  7. The most important objectives of physical education is ………………………(a)to make the body weak (b) to destroy the body cells (c)to promote disunity (d)none of the above
  8. The main reason why an average person performs physical exercise is to (a)kip fit (b)gain energy (c)stimulate the nerves (d)win race
  9. Physical education is education through…………….(a)gymnastics (b)indoor games (c)recreational activities (d)organized physical activities
  10. All are scope of physical education except…………….(a)athletics (b)gymnastics (c)aquatics (d)flexibility


See also






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