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Qu’est-ce que c’est la preposition?

La preposition est un mot qui montre la relation entre nom ou pronom en la phrase.


Des examples

Entre                                                     between

On                                                          sur

Under                                                   sous

Devant                                                 in front of

Avec                                                      with

Après                                                    after

Dans                                                      in

En                                                           in

A droit                                                  at the right

A gauche                                             at the left

Au milleur                                           at the middle

A cote de                                             close to

A haut                                                  on high

A derriere                                           behind

Dedan                                                  below

Entre                                                     between

De                                                          of

A                                                             to

Contre                                                 against

Du                                                          from

traverse                                               a cross

Avant                                                    before

Pres                                                       near

An centre                                            at the centre


See also

La composition

Pour dire son gout et comparer

Exprimer la duree


Exprimer la duree

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