A letter is a writing communication sent by post or messenger. These two persons might be living in the same town, city, country or may as well be living in different  countries.

Types of Letter

Letter writing is divided into two major types


This is an official type of letter. In most cases, the persons, involve in this type of letters are not known to each other. They may not have met in their lifetime. Everything about this leteer is formal / official. The writer has to mind his/her language and tone. This letter could be from one pension to a group of people e.g. letter for employment or (letter from a group of people of an individual) e.g a letter from a community to their local government chairman.

Features of Formal letter

The following has to be put into consideration when writing a formal letter

  1. Two addresses
  2. Title of the letter
  3. The body of the letter
  • The language has to be formal
  • The tone of the letter has to be respectful and polite
  • The need to be straight forward and brief
  • Answers must be given to all question asked.
  1. Subscription
  2. Signature
  3. Name

1.Two Addresses: In a formal letter, two addresses are required from the writer his/her own address and the address of the addressee. (The person he/she is writing the letter to)

Scholarships 350 x 250a

4, Mohammed Way,

P.O Box, 2641,

Benin City,

Edo State.

14th June, 2014



The Personal Manager,

Sumal, Food Limited,

14, Oluyole Industrial Estate,

Ring Road,


Oyo state.


  1. Salutation: The common salutation used in a formal letter are: Dear Sir or Dear Madam as the case may be.
  2. Tittle of the letter: Every formal letter has a tittle.it is this that shows or tells from the beginning what the letter is all about.
  3. The body of the letter: Ina formal letter, the language has to be formal. Also, formal letter does not allow the use of slang and sweet mounting. The tone has to be respectful. This is because the writer may not know the age of the addressee, and he/she might not take it kind. If the tone is not courteous. The formal type of letter is known for its straight forwardness, there is no need beating around the bush,. Where questions are asked, you must give details to every question asked.
  4. Subscriptions: The common subscription used in a formal letter is Yours faithfully, you sign your signature before writing your name at the end of the letter.


See also






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