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What is Marasmus?. Marasmus is a deficiency disorder that is caused by total starvation over a period of time.

It can also be referred to as protein energy malnutrition caused by lack of all nutrients. Marasmus is caused by total starvation, that is, lack of all nutrients.

Extreme loss of weight.

The person is skinny and may weigh half of the expected weight.

Hair may appear normal, but the head will look big in comparison to the rest of the body.

Eyes protrude and the person is generally alert or anxious.

The ribs can be clearly seen.

A child looks like an elderly person because the face is wrinkled.

There is no fat under the skin especially around the upper part of the arms, thighs, buttocks and belly which are wrinkled.

Eat adequate balanced meals.

Ensure hygienic conditions so as to prevent worm infestation.

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