Correspondences are mails, letters suit and received in and out of an organisation. Correspondence can be sent either by post, by hand, electrically by fax and email.
Types of correspondence
- Mail inward book
- Mail outward book
- Despatch book
- Postage book
- File movement book
- MAIL INWARD BOOK/ correspondence inward register – is used to record the details of all official correspondence received in organisation. It serves as a proof that the document sent is received.
Date | Received | Sender’s name | Subject | Ref. No | Attention | Reply date |
It is also known as incoming mail
- MAIL OUTWARD BOOK – is used to record the details of letters leaving an organisation to an individuals, firm or organisation. It is a proof that a reply has been made on a particular issue. It is also known as outgoing mail or correspondence outward register.
Date Sent | Name and Address of Addressee | Method of delivery | Delivery | Name and signature of receiver |
- DESPATCH BOOK: almost serve the same purpose as mail outward book. It is used when letters are to be delivered by hand, the letter must be signed by the receivers to serve as evidence that letter has been delivered to the right person.
Date | Addressee’s Name | Delivered By | Receiver’s Signature |
- POSTAGE BOOK- is used for recording the details of the letters posted and the amount spent on stamp. Franking machine is hired to print the stamp impression on the envelope to be posted.
Date | Stamp bought | Name and Address of Addressee | Postal service used | Postage Amount |
- FILE MOVEMENT BOOK: is kept by filing clerk to record the movement of file from department to another in an organisation.
Exercise: Design beautiful mail inward book and postage book
See also