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Personal hygiene refers to the cleanliness of the body. This involves good grooming or care of different parts of the body, choice, use and care of personal items. Cosmetics are prepared substances which are applied on the body by both men and women to enhance appearance.

They include:

  1.  Lips stick
  2.  Mascara
  3.  Rouge
  4.  Body lotion
  5.  Deodorant
  6.  Petroleum jelly
  7.  Eye shadow
  8.  Nail polish
  9.  Hair colour
  10.  Hair oil
  11.  Eye Liner

By the end of the lesson, you should be able to describe factors to consider when choosing and using cosmetics correctly

Lip Stick

Lip stick is used to enhance the lips by adding colour and texture.


Mascara is used to darken, lighten or colour eye lashes.

Rouge is used to redden the cheeks to provide a more youthful appearance and to emphasize the cheekbones.

Choice of Cosmetics

  1. Choose according to your skin type and complexion.
  2. Choose a cosmetic that provides adequate information, for example, expiry date, composition and side effects.
  3. Avoid cosmetics that contain mercury and hydroquinone as they are harmful to the body.
  4. Choose environmental friendly deodorants and anti-perspirant perfumes.

Use of Cosmetics

  1. Use cosmetics sparingly.
  2. All make-up should be removed before retiring to bed.
  3. Do not wear cosmetic on a skin that has acne, is broken or infected.
  4. Chipped nail vanish should be removed immediately as it is unsightly.
  5. Keep make up fresh by reapplying it when it wears off.

Misuse of Cosmetics

  1. Use cosmetics correctly and in the right area.
  2. Avoid sharing cosmetics as it may be harmful to your skin.
  3. Excessive use of make up makes one look unattractive.
  4. Do not mix cosmetics as it may be detrimental to one’s health.
  5. Safety in the Home and First Aid

The following will be covered in this chapter:

  1. Common Accidents in the Home, Causes, Prevention and Management
  2. Assembling a First Aid Kit
  3. The home is a safe haven for security and comfort.

In order to maintain safety, it is important to take necessary precautions in the home.

By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Identify common accidents in the home and their causes.
  2. Explain how to prevent common accidents in the home

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