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School health programme can be defined as a programme of health activities designed and executed purposely to improve on the health status of the school child. The programme is about how to protect the health of a child and teach him or her to protect and promote his or her own health.

School health is a set of activities and service offered by the school to promote the physical, emotional and social development of pupils or students and staff. Personal health is a state of well being of the whole body. It comprises all the activities such as hygiene, exercise and adequate diet that enhances a person’s Physical, social, mental and biological development and healthy growth.

Community health is a process of ensuring that the environment is safe and conducive for members of the community.


The school health programmed consist of four major component of activity through which the health of student is protected and promoted.  These are;

  1. Health instruction

Health instruction or education is to provide skills necessary for promotion appropriate behaviors and practices.  These include;

  1. Individual health instruction or counseling by teacher, medical doctor, nurse, counselor e.t.c
  2. Direct health teaching in time specially allocated to health
  3. Integrated health instruction, where health learning occur as part of a problem solving approach
  4. Healthful school environment

School environment should be healthful as a child spends a good portion of his time in the school.  The essentials for a healthful environmental in school are:

  1. Satisfactory toilet and lavatory facilities
  2. Pure water supply
  3. Good lighting and ventilation
  4. Suitable chairs and desks
  5. Rest room and play ground
  6. School Health Services:

The School Health services deals with the various preventive measure provided by the School to improve the health of the Children.

The School health Services

  1. Control of communicable diseases
  2. Emergency care of the sick and injured
  3. Identifying certain remedial defects of the school children
  4. Health Observation.
  5. Heath education and health instructions
  6. School health services
  7. Safe and healthy school environment
  8. School feeding and nutrition services
  9. Physical Education
  10. Counselling , psychological and social services
  11. Health promotion of staff
  12. Parent and community involvement

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