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Physical fitness: measuring physical fitness components e.g.

(I). Agility (II). Power   (III). Flexibility (IV). Balance

Measuring physical fitness components

Meaning of physical fitness means good physical condition or being in good shape or condition.  Physical fitness has two related parts: general fitness (a state of health and well-being), and specific fitness (the ability to perform specific aspects of sports, or occupations).

Types of physical fitness exercise

These include:

1 Jogging

2 Running

3 Dancing

4 Push up, press up

5 Carrying weights

6 Running on the treadmill

7 Skipping

8 Squatting

9 Swimming

Physical fitness components

These include:

1 Agility

2 Power

3 Flexibility

4 Balance

Agility: This means being quick in whatever you do. It also means being smart. Agility is also speed and quickness in various kinds of sports.

Power: This means strength. It is the muscle’s ability to exert force for a brief period of time.

Flexibility: This is the ability to move the joints and use the muscles through their full range of motion.

Balance: This is a person’s ability to be firm and comported in the process of performing a task or exercise without falling.

Activities for measuring physical fitness

1 10 metres shuttle run

2 Carrying of weights

3 Sergeant jump

4 Broad jump

5 Straight knee toe touch

6 Beam walk

7 Standing on one foot

Specific physical fitness aspect’s measurement

1 Flexibility: By performing a simple motion and observing how far you can go, you can assess the flexibility of each part of your body. The sit and reach test is a good measure of flexibility of the lower back and backs of the upper legs.

  1. Power: You can measure power by lifting weights. The heavier the weight a person can carry, the stronger the person is said to be.
  2. Agility: The 10 m shuttle run can be used to measure agility. The speed and time at which a person finishes a 10 m dash tells a lot about his or her agility. You are said to be agile if you beat the time.
  3. Balance: This can be measured in various ways. Stand on one foot and hold the other leg with both hands for 15 seconds without falling. If you do not wobble or fall, it means you have balance.

Strategies & Activities

Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step3: Teacher endeavors to explain all the points to the pupils thoroughly.

Step 4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.

Step 5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.

Assessment & Evaluation

  1. Define physical fitness.
  2. List four physical fitness components.
  3. List one activity for measuring the following:
  4. a) Agility b) Power c) Flexibility d) Balance


See also






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