1.  Irons
  2.  Ironing board


  1.  Made of non rusting material
  2.  Medium weight
  3.  Smooth sole
  4.  Pointed toe to reach fullness
  5.  If electric, should be thermostatic.
  6.  Used to press work after each stage of construction
  7.  Use right temperature for every fabric
  8.  Wipe before use
  9.  Do not drop
  10.  Occasionally clean thoroughly
  11.  Oil hinges of charcoal iron to prevent rusting

Ironing Board

  1.  Should be adjustable
  2.  Should be well padded
  3.  Should be stable on the ground
  4.  Should have a loose cover
  5.  Used to place work when pressing
  6.  Adjust to comfortable height
  7.  Remove and wash cover regularly
  8.  Fold and protect from dust when not in use

Sleeve Board

  1. Similar to ironing board but small
  2. Used for processing small shapes articles such as cuffs and sleeves

Pressing Cloth

  1. Choose lint free clothes that are closely woven
  2. Used for damping and wetting during pressing.
  3. Wash and store after use.
Scholarship 1

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