Manuscripts are handwritten scripts or document. Manuscripts may contain correction additions, alterations and abbreviations etc.
Proof correction signs
Symbol | Text Sign | Meaning |
Caps/u.c | Change letter business studies | Capital upper case letter used |
# | lnsert | Insert space |
~ |
University Elias_transpose |
Elias University |
, | insert | Insert comma |
Common Abbreviation
Abbreviation Meaning
Abt About
Yrs fly yours faithfully
Asstt assistant
Assot associate
Encls enclosure
Ps post script
Manus. Manuscript
B.A. Bachelor of Arts
M.A Masters of Arts
M.B.A Master in Business Administration
Ph. D Doctor in philosophy
a/c amount
amt advertisement
ad.advt advertisement
IOU I owe you
Standard Abbreviation
Abbreviation Words
NITEL Nigeria Telecommunication Limited
NIPOST Nigeria Postal Services
OFN Operation Feed the Nation
WAI War Against Indiscipline
RAM Random Access Memory
CAN Christian Association of Nigeria
ETC et cetera
ASUU Academic Staff Union of University
Before typing a manuscript, read it over to make sure what is written is well understood. Manuscripts are typed on quarto – size paper in double line spacing.
- What do you understand by ‘Manuscript’?
- Re write:
Thank you very much for yr ltd dated April, 2016, abt the gds we requested. The amt you stated as the price of the gds is acceptable tog in delivery charges as specified by you to be paid before the order is record at the mango a/c dept.
See also
So amazing 😍
Thank you Olabissyogundipe