Divorce is the legal ending of a marriage. In other words, it is the legal separation between a husband and his wife usually due to dispute or disagreement. Divorce is a serious problem in Christian marriage and Christians must do everything to avoid it because it interrupts the destiny of man in God’s creation.
When a man and his wife are not living together due to disagreement or bad behavior and they have not been to a law court to dissolve their marriage, it is not divorce. It is simply separation.
Infertility is another problem facing marriages. It simply means the inability of either the man or the woman to conceive and bear children. There are many reasons behind this, it can be ill-health, accident, drug abuse, etc.
- Poor health Family problems
- Unemployment Bad friends
- Poverty Drunkenness
- Bad behavior Insanity
- Religious differences Problems from works
- Putting God first in all issues
- Searching for godly knowledge
- Mutual understanding
- Good individual attitudes
- True love and trust
- Obedience to laws
- Guidance and Counseling
- Applying wisdom to resolve issues
- Good parental influence
- Strong affinity and communication
- How can infertility result to polygamy?
- Briefly discuss any family problem you have experience and give possible solution to it.
- What are challenges of polygamy?
- What is the best type of marriage to you?
- State five problems facing marriages.
- Highlight five methods to resolve problems at home.
- Why are divorce and infertility problems to marriages?
- Explain the meaning of infertility
- Which of these is not a problem at home (a) anger (b) lies (c) doubt (d) age
- Divorce means (a) legal probation of marriage (b) legal suspension of marriage (c) family ending of a marriage (d) legal ending of a marriage
- The inability of either a man or woman to bear a child is called (a) childlessness (b) fruitfulness (c) infertility (d) ageism
- The couple in monogamy comprises (a) a man and a woman (b) a man and a man (c) a woman and a woman (d) a woman and a son
- Which of these marriage is encouraged by Christianity (a) homosexual (b) monogamy (c) polygamy (d) lesbianism
See also