- It ensures the maintenance of a favourable relationship between an organisation and the general public
- It helps to increase the goodwill of a company or business
- It is a source of useful advice to the management of a business
- It helps in advertising the products or services of the organisation
- It helps in building the image of the organisation
- It creates confidence and understanding between the firm and the public
- Company policies are well explained and understood by the public
- It helps in maintaining good company / employees relationship
- Exhibitions i.e. display of products of the firm to members of the public at selected places
- Trade Fairs usually large national or international exhibition which are held annually and where organisation’s could display their products/services
- Free samples or free gifts – This is given by organisation’s to their customers or employees to maintain their goodwill
- Publication of feature articles e.g. in national dailies or magazines e.g. about the company’s profiles, management team etc.
- Organisation of seminars workshops and conferences
- Provision of After-sales services
- Sponsoring of programmes, sporting events and bankrolling live telecasts of sporting events etc.
- Engaging in social responsibility i.e. providing the community with social amenities e.g. hospitals, boreholes, roads etc.
- Engaging in donations to charitable ventures e.g. motherless children homes etc.