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Punctuation Marks | Question Marks, Colon & Semicolon

Punctuation marks are symbols used in writing to aid in the clarity and understanding of the text. They help to convey meaning, indicate pauses, separate different parts of a sentence, and provide structure to written language. Here are some common punctuation marks:

1. Period (.) – Used to indicate the end of a sentence.

2. Question mark (?) – Used to indicate a direct question.

3. Exclamation mark (!) – Used to indicate strong emotion or emphasis.

4. Comma (,) – Used to separate items in a list, separate clauses in a sentence, or indicate a pause.

5. Semicolon (;) – Used to join two independent clauses that are closely related.

6. Colon (:) – Used to introduce a list, explanation, or quotation.

7. Quotation marks (” “) – Used to indicate dialogue, direct quotes, or to highlight specific words or phrases.

8. Apostrophe (‘) – Used to indicate possession or contraction.

9. Dash (-) – Used to indicate a pause or emphasize information.

10. Parentheses ( ) – Used to enclose additional information or clarification.

11. Ellipsis (…) – Used to indicate a trailing off of thought or an omission of words.

12. Brackets [ ] – Used to enclose additional information, often used in citations or editing.

These are just a few examples of punctuation marks. Proper use of punctuation can greatly enhance the clarity and readability of your writing.

  1. THE QUESTION MARKS (?) – It is used after direct speech. Example: (i) What is your name? (ii) Who are you?
  2. THE COLON (:) – It is used for introducing quotations, lists etc, examples

(i) In Oke – Odo market, I saw the following: maize, yams, fisher, vegetables and tomatoes.

(ii) My father said: Coming Christmas, he will ride a Toyota Camry car.

  1. THE SEMI COLON (;) – It is used between two closely joined principal or main clause. Examples

(i) The sun was setting; the shadow were long

(ii) The book is not mine; it is my uncle’s


Punctuate the following sentences

Exercise 19D. Page 153

Question No 11 – 20

Reference: Progressive English An Elaborate coverage of Grammar. By J. Addai

See also:

Consonant /m/, /n/ and /⌡/

Punctuation Marks | Full Stop and The Comma

Consonant Sounds /k/ and /g/

Narrative Essay | MY LAST BIRTHDAY


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