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The nervous and endocrine systems (together known as the neuro-endocrine system) act as a co-coordinating system. They linking the receptors to the effectors and regulating their activities.


  1. Receptors are cells that detect or receive stimuli.
  2. They may be scattered more uniformly all over the body surface e.g. receptors for pain, touch, temperature; or they may be located in a special sense organ e.g. receptors for light, sound, taste and smell.
  3. Motor nerves link the Central Nervous System (CNS) to the effectors.
  4. Its cell body is located at one end of the axon.
  5. It transmits nerve impulses from the CNS to the effectors.


  1. These are the cells, organs, or organelles which enable the organism to respond.
  2. They include muscles, glands, cilia and flagella.
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