No community can certainly live together successfully unless they agree. Then, steps have to be taken to maintain good relationships in the community. Identification of community leaders; the names of the community leaders in our environment must be known, such as the councilor, chairman, senator, and governor. We must learn how to contact them in case of any problem. If there is a problem in the community, we would know where to go and whom to contact.
(1) Respect for elders and leaders: The Bible encourages us to give respect to the person respect is due and honour to person honour is due. Pay all their dues, taxes to the government
{Romans 13:7}
(2) Obeying the law of the land as good Christian’s students. We must not go against the law and regulations put down by the school authority or community.
(3) Participating in community development programmes. The community belongs to all the people living there for us to show good examples. We must fully participate in all the programmes designed to develop the community E.g. keeping our environment clean most especially during the environmental sanitation day.
(4) Caring for the needs of people. Good Christian should joyfully participate in taking care of the less privileged and the need in the community. It is then, that God will be happy with us.
(5) Religious tolerance: The Christians are the light and salt of the world. This light can only be shown in an atmosphere of peace, harmony, co-existence and tolerance so, we must tolerate others including non-Christians in the community.
(1) Self-discipline and obedience to the government
(2) Payment of taxes, rate and other duties
(3) Avoidance of anti-social behaviours, like drug addiction and trafficking, armed robbery
(4) Obeying road signs
(5) Not vandalizing properties of others e.g. school, government…
(6) Not aiding and abetting corruption, sexual harassment, and immorality e.t.c.
(7) Honouring them and not making derogatory statement against our rulers.
Categories of people in the church
(1) Leaders.
(2) Elders.
(3) Youth.
(4) Children.
All these groups in the church have duties and obligations, such duties, privileges and responsibilities of which are written in [I Peter 5; 1-11]. As each person in the group should fulfill his or her responsibilities for the welfare of the group, there will always be co-operation. We will first examine the duties of the elder as mentioned in verse 1-4.
“So exhort the elders among you as a fellow elders and a witness of the suffering of Christ as will as a partaker in the glory that is to be revealed. Tend the flock of GOD that is in charge, not for shameful gain, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief shepherd is manifested you will obtain the unfading crown of glory”.
The role of the elders in all societies, usually that of leadership and provision of spiritual guidance for the younger ones-they “shepherd” expected to tend the flock [the children and the youth]. The elders must as a matter of compulsion nourish the up-coming Christian, and also shielding them from social vices.
Elders are urged to follow the foot step of JESUS portrayed as the ‘Chief shepherd’ who is sure to reward every individual at his second coming. They must lead by example, just like Christ did. In fact, Christians are their role models they must be sober and humble. They must protect the people there are leading from the evil of the society. They must counsel and minister to the people of God.
Duties of youth and children
likewise you that are younger be subject to the elders. Cloth yourself with humility toward one another, for GOD opposes the proud but give grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of GOD, that in due time he may exalt you. Cast all your anxieties on him for he cares for you’ [I peter 5; 5-7].
This was the account of St Peter regarding the duties of younger ones in the church. He admonished the young ones to be subject to the elders, being humble enough to listen to the wise advice of the elders and taking from their experiences, as the word of the elders are the word of wisdom.
- Who is the local government chairman of your locality?
- Mention at least two developmental projects he has accomplished since the beginning of his tenure in the office.
- How can we maintain a good relationship in our community?
- What is religious tolerance?
[1] Christian Religious Education for JSS.BK 1, by A.A Adeyinka. Page 40-45
[2] Revised Standard and Version Bible (R S V) Luke 6:9-13,Romans 12:9-21,
(1.) Christians can manifest good behaviour by ____. (a) vandalizing properties (b) self
discipline (c) involving in anti-social behaviour (d) none of the above
(2.) As a Christian / good Citizen, we should not make any ____ statement against our rulers.
(a) good (b) derogatory (c) commendable (d) none of the above
(3.) The categories of people in the Church are the following except ____. (a) Leaders
(b) Elders (c) Children and Youth (d) Spirit
(4.) According to St. Peter, the _____ were to fend the flock of God. (a)Elders (b) Youths
(c) Pastors (d) Shepherd
(5.) According to Romans 13vs7, we are advised to ____ (a) keep all our money in the Bank
(b) give honour to our leaders (c)fear the kings (d) none of the above
- Give at least two duties and obligations of the categories of people in the church.
- Read (II Peter 5 vs. 5-7) and give account of the admonition of Apostle Peter to the younger ones.
See also