The female reproductive system consists of the following:


Are two oval cream coloured structures found in lower abdomen below the kidneys. Oviducts.

They produce the ova. Are tubes which conduct the ova produced by the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization occurs in the upper part of the oviduct.


What is uterus? Uterus is a hollow muscular organ found in the lower abdomen. The embryo develops inside the uterus. The inner lining endometrium supplies nutrients to embryo.

The embryo is implanted into the inner uterine wall- the endometrium which nourishes the embryo. The thick muscles of the uterus assist in parturition.


Varvix has a ring of muscles that separates the uterus from the vagina. It forms the opening to the uterus

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Vagina is a tube that opens to the outside and it acts as the copulatory and birth canal through the vulva.

The male reproductive system consists of the following:


Each testis is a mass of numerous coiled tubes called semniferous tubules. Each is enclosed within a scrotal sac that suspends them between the thighs.

This ensures that sperms are maintained at a temperature lower than that of the main body.

Seminiferous Tubules

The lining of seminiferous tubules consists of actively dividing cells which give rise to sperms. Between the seminiferous tubules are interstitial cells which produce the male hormones called androgens e.g. testosterone. The seminiferous tubules unite to form the epididymis, which is a coiled tube where sperms are stored temporarily.

Vas deferens (sperm duct) is the tube through which sperms are carried from testis to urethra. Seminal vesicle produces an alkaline secretion which nourishes the spermatozoa.

Prostate gland

Prostate gland poduces an alkaline secretion to neutralise vaginal fluids.

Cowpers’ gland

Cowpers’ gland secretes an alkaline fluid. All these fluids together with spermatozoa form semen.


What is Urethra? Urethra Is a long tube through which the semen is conducted during copulation. It also removes urine from the bladder. Penis Is an intro-mittent organ which is inserted into the vagina during copulation .


  1. How do humans reproduce?
  2. What are the 5 stages of reproduction?
  3. What type of reproduction are humans?
  4. How do humans reproduce with babies?
  5. What happen if there is no reproduction?
  6. How did reproduction start?
  7. How many eggs do females produce?
  8. How is an egg fertilized?
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