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An adjectival clause performs the functions of an adjective i.e. it qualifies a noun or its equivalents. An adjectival clause begins with a relative pronoun such as who, which, that, whose, where, whom etc. hence it is called a (defining) relative clause as well. This clause is not separated by a comma from the noun it describes. But when the clause is marked off by a comma from the noun it describes, it is not a relative clause.


The man whose car was stolen has reported the case

Relative/ the NP ‘the man’

The boy whom you praised so well has been rewarded.

Relative/Adj. cl. Describing the NP ‘the boy’

I will retire to a city where the standard of living is low.

Relative/Adj. cl. Describing ‘a city’

The man I met told me the secret.

Relative/ the NP ‘the man’

Dayo, who returned from London yesterday has returned

Adj. cl. (non-defining) describing ‘Dayo’

Things fall apart, which was written by Chinua Achebe, is a best seller.

Adj. cl. Describing ‘Things Fall Apart’



Describe the two types of adjectival clauses with two examples for each.


See also

Essay Writing: Story Writing

Speech Work: Stress Placement on Two or More Syllable Words

Grammar: Rules of Concord

The Use of the Dictionary

Structure: Prepositional Phrase

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