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A sewing machine is a machine used to stitch fabric and other materials together with thread. Sewing machines can be exciting but also totally overwhelming when you don’t know how to use the machine! In sewing, the first place to start is how to use a sewing machine!



  1. Select a straight stitch and a medium stitch length.

A straight stitch is used to sew most seams.

  1. Practice on some scrap material.
  2. Line up the fabric under the needle.
  3. Lower the presser foot onto the fabric.
  4. Hold the loose ends of both threads.
  5. Press the foot pedal.
  6. Find the reverse button or lever and try it.
  7. Use the hand wheel to move the needle to its highest position.
  8. Cut the thread.
  9. Practice sewing a seam.
  10. Move to another part of the fabric.
  11. Learn to sew a sharp corner.
  12. Try a simple project.



  1. Always keep the sewing machine covered.
  2. Change the needles when necessary.
  3. Always use compressed air to remove the lint.
  4. Always service the sewing machine as when due.
  5. Oiling the sewing machine from time to time.
  6. Call for experienced professional for repairing the sewing machine.
  7. Clean each parts of the sewing machine at a time.
  8. Wipe down the sewing machine after use.


Step 1: Teacher revised the  previous topic

Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: Teacher explains the new topic

Step 4: Teacher welcomes pupils questions

Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils

Wrap- up (conclusion): Teacher goes over the topic ones again for better understanding



Pupils to:

  1. Identity two kinds of sewing machine;
  2. State three differences between hand and treadle sewing machine;
  3. Mention four parts of a sewing machine.
  4. State the functions of the parts of the sewing machine mentioned in 3 above


See also


Materials For Care of Clothing

Care and Maintenance of Clothing

Making Simple Apron

How to Produce Simple Clothing Article

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