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The most common tenses of the verb are the simple tenses. You use them most often in your speaking and writing.

  1. Present simple tense.

Look at the following sentences.

(a) I know Kisumu

(b) He goes to school everyday.

(c) The sun rises from the east.

All the above sentences contain a verb in the present simple tense.

This tense is used for different purposes.

(i) To state a personal fact

Example: I know Kisumu.

(ii) To point out a regular habit.

Example: He goes to school everyday.

(iii) To state known a scientific fact

Example: The sun rises from the east.

Exercise 6

Complete the following sentences putting the verbs in brackets in the present simple tense.

  1. They _________ their new principal. (like)
  2. Every morning, she ______________ her teeth. (brush)
  3. The earth ______________ on its own axis. (rotate)
  4. Twice a year, he _______________ his family. (visit)
  5. Air ____________ when heated. (rise)

Past Simple Tense

The past simple tense is used when an action has been completed.

Examples: We cleaned our classrooms yesterday.

He drove the car this morning.

She planned the whole incident.

Exercise 7

Write down the past simple tense of the following words and then use each of them in sentences of your own.

Start,           breathe

Add,           roam

Trap.          obey

Annoy,       worry

Pity,           fit

Future Simple Tense

The future simple tense places the action or condition in the future.

It is formed by using the word shall or will before the present form of the main verb.


We shall need help with her load.

She will eat the bananas alone.

The dancers will entertain them.

Exercise 8

Use the following words in future simple tense in sentences of your own.

See                       develop

Go                        begin

Exist                     consume

Introduce            hunt

Bring                   become

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