Daily atmospheric conditions of a place at a particular time.
Elements of Weather
- Temperature
- Humidity precipitation
- Precipitation
- Atmospheric pressure
- Wind
- Sunshine
- Cloud cover
A Weather Station
-A place where observation, measuring and recording of weather elements is done
Factors to Be Taken Into Account When Sitting a Weather Station
- An open place where there is little obstruction of weather elements.
- Accessible place so that recording can be done easily.
- A fairly level or gently sloping ground (5◦) so that it’s easy to position weather instruments.
- The place should provide a wide view of the surrounding landscape and the sky.
- The site should be free from flooding.
- The place should have security.
Instruments for Measuring Elements of Weather
- Thermometer-temperature
- Hygrometer-humidity
- Rain gauge-rainfall
- Barometer-air pressure
- Sunshine recorder-sunshine duration and intensity
- Wind vane –wind direction
- Anemometer-wind speed
- Evaporimeter-rate and amount of evaporation.