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There are two types of families. These are:

  1. Nuclear family and
  2. Extended Family.


Nuclear Family.

A nuclear family consists of father, mother and their children. A nuclear family is also a family group consisting of two parents and their children.

nuclear family (also known as an elementary familyatomic family or conjugal family) is a family group consisting of parents and their children (one or more), typically living in one home residence. It is in contrast to a single-parent family, a larger extended family or a family with more than two parents. Nuclear families typically center on a married couple which may have any number of children.

There are differences in definition among observers. Some definitions allow only biological children who are full-blood siblings and consider adopted or half- and step-siblings a part of the immediate family, but others allow for a step-parent and any mix of dependent children, including stepchildren and adopted children.

Extended Family

Members of an extended family are:

  1. Grandfather
  2. Grandmother
  3. Father
  4. Mother
  5. Brothers
  6. Sisters
  7. The brothers of our father and mother are called uncles.
  8. The sisters of our father and mother are called aunts.
  9. The children of our uncles and aunties are called cousins.


Qualities of a Good Family

The qualities of a good family are:

  1. Love
  2. Honesty
  3. Helping Others


Other qualities of a good family

  1. Discipline
  2. Obedience
  3. Contentment
  4. Having interest of others.



  1. Mention one quality of a good family.
  2. Who are the people that make up an extended family?
  3. Who are the people that make up a nuclear family?
  4. Find out from your father and mother the type of family they were born into.



  1. Tell the class why it is good to be obedient.
  2. Ask your father how you should live with others.
  3. Tell your friend what you do to help your parents at home.
  4. Tell the class what a good child should do in the morning immediately he or she wakes up.


Roles of Members of the Family


The father provides food for the family.



  1. What do you do at home in the morning before going to school?
  2. What do you do at home after school?
  3. What do you do at home during weekends?
  4. In what ways do you help your mother at home?



  1. Take a broom every morning. Use it to sweep the living room of your ouse before going to school.
  2. Help your father to wash his car before going to school.
  3. Wash your school uniforms every weekend.
  4. Take a cutlass to cut the grass around your house.
  5. Ask your friend what he or she does at home to help his or her parents.
  6. Ask your mother what you should do in the house to help her.


Interrelationship among Roles of Family Members

Every member of the family does one thing or the other to help one another. Sometimes, father helps mother in the kitchen. He helps mother to take care of the baby. Children also help their mother to cook and clean the house.


  1. What do you do to help your parents at home?
  2. What should a girl do to help her mother before going to school every morning?
  3. What should a boy do to help his father before going to school every morning?
  4. What should children do to help their parents before going to bed every night?
  5. Tell the class what you do every morning to help your parents before coming to school.



  1. Clean the louvers of your house when they are dirty.
  2. Sweep the living room when they are dirty.
  3. Mention five things you do at home to help your parents’ every day.
  4. Tell the class why it is necessary to help our parents at home.
  5. Ask your father or mother why it is important to help the family


See also



National symbol


National Anthem

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