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Origin of U.N.O

The United Nations (UN) was established in the aftermath of World War II, with the goal of promoting international peace, security, cooperation, and development. Its origins can be traced back to several key events:

1. League of Nations: The League of Nations was the precursor to the UN and was established after World War I in 1920. It aimed to prevent future conflicts through collective security and international cooperation. However, the League faced various challenges and ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II.

2. Atlantic Charter: In August 1941, during World War II, the United States and the United Kingdom issued the Atlantic Charter. It outlined their vision for post-war international cooperation, emphasizing self-determination, disarmament, and the establishment of a system to maintain peace and security.

3. Declaration by United Nations: On January 1, 1942, representatives from 26 Allied nations signed the Declaration by United Nations, which pledged to continue the war against the Axis powers and to work together for a post-war world based on the principles of the Atlantic Charter.

4. Dumbarton Oaks Conference: In 1944, representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China gathered at the Dumbarton Oaks estate in Washington, D.C., to discuss the creation of a new international organization. They laid the groundwork for the establishment of the UN, including the proposal for a General Assembly and a Security Council.

5. San Francisco Conference: The San Francisco Conference, held from April to June 1945, brought together representatives from 50 nations to finalize the UN Charter. The Charter was adopted on June 25, 1945, and the UN officially came into existence on October 24, 1945, after being ratified by the five permanent members of the Security Council and a majority of the other member states.

The UN was founded with the aim of preventing future conflicts, promoting international cooperation, protecting human rights, and fostering social and economic development worldwide. It has since grown to include nearly all recognized sovereign states as members and has played a central role in addressing global challenges, maintaining peace and security, promoting sustainable development, and advocating for human rights.

The Principles of U.N.O

The principles of the United Nations (UN) are outlined in its founding document, the UN Charter. These principles serve as fundamental guidelines for the organization’s work and the conduct of its member states. Here are the key principles of the UN:

1. Sovereign Equality: The UN upholds the principle of respect for the sovereign equality of all its member nations. Regardless of their size, wealth, or influence, all nations are considered equal in rights and have the right to participate in decision-making processes.

2. Peaceful Settlement of Disputes: The UN promotes the peaceful settlement of disputes between nations. It encourages diplomacy, negotiation, mediation, and other peaceful means to resolve conflicts, with the aim of avoiding the use of force.

3. Non-Interference and Non-Aggression: The UN advocates for non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states and the renouncement of aggressive actions. Member nations are expected to respect each other’s territorial integrity and refrain from threatening or using force against one another.

4. International Peace and Security: The UN is dedicated to the maintenance of international peace and security. It seeks to prevent conflicts, suppress acts of aggression, and promote peacebuilding efforts through dialogue, peacekeeping operations, and other mechanisms.

5. Promotion of Democratic Principles: The UN promotes democratic principles, including the respect for human rights, the rule of law, and inclusive governance. It encourages member states to uphold and advance democratic values, participate in free and fair elections, and protect the rights and freedoms of their citizens.

6. Cooperation and Multilateralism: The UN emphasizes the importance of international cooperation and multilateralism in addressing global challenges. Member nations are encouraged to work together, pool resources, and collaborate on issues such as poverty reduction, sustainable development, climate change, and humanitarian crises.

7. Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: The UN promotes disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It seeks to prevent the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and encourages member states to reduce their military capacities in order to foster global peace and security.

It’s important to note that these principles guide the work of the UN and its member states, but their interpretation and application may vary in different contexts and situations.

Aims and Objectives of the U.N.O

Here are the aims and objectives of the United Nations (UN):

1. Maintaining International Peace and Security: The primary aim of the UN is to maintain international peace and security. It works towards preventing conflicts, resolving disputes, and fostering peaceful relations between nations through diplomatic negotiations, peacekeeping operations, and other peaceful means.

2. Settling Disputes Through Peaceful Means: The UN aims to settle disputes between member states through peaceful means, such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. It encourages dialogue and diplomacy to prevent the escalation of conflicts and promote peaceful resolutions.

3. Respecting Sovereignty: The UN upholds the principle of respecting the sovereignty of its member states. It recognizes and supports the independence and territorial integrity of nations, ensuring that their internal affairs are not interfered with by external forces.

4. Promoting and Encouraging Respect for Human Rights: The UN is dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights worldwide. It works towards the universal respect for human rights, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. The UN establishes international standards, monitors human rights situations, and provides assistance to member states in promoting and upholding human rights principles.

5. Developing Friendly Relations Among States: The UN seeks to foster friendly relations among member states. It encourages countries to engage in peaceful cooperation, build mutual understanding, and promote cultural exchange. By facilitating dialogue and cooperation, the UN aims to strengthen relationships between nations and promote global harmony.

6. Accelerating the Independence of Trust Territories: The UN has historically worked towards the decolonization of trust territories. It aims to accelerate the process of granting self-governance and independence to these territories under colonial rule, allowing them to exercise their right to self-determination and sovereignty.

It’s important to note that the UN’s aims and objectives are broad and multifaceted, and they encompass various aspects of international relations, human rights, and development. The organization works towards these objectives through its specialized agencies, programs, and bodies, in collaboration with member states and other stakeholders.


  1. Highlight 5 principles upon which the U.N.O was founded
  2. What is Non-alignment? Examine the advantages of the policy
  3. Why is veto power given to the five permanent members of the Security Council of the U.N.O?
  4. What are the effects of Second World War on Nationalism in Nigeria?


  1. Give 3 aims and objectives of the U.N.O.
  2. State 4 principles of the U.N.O.

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