A prefix is a letter or groups of letter added in front of another word to change its meaning e.. anti + body = antibody, ex + president = expresidetn
Suffix is a letter or group of letter added at the end of the word. E.g. Use +less = useless, punish + ment = punishment
Prefix meaning examples
- A- on afloat, ashore
- Ab- away, from absolve, abnormal
- Mal- bad malnutrition, mal administration
- Post- after post war, post natal
Suffix meaning examples
- Er- these are suffixes teacher, friendship
- Or- that turn words surveyor, goodness
- Ship- into a noun Materialismt.c
- Ism-
EVALUATION: Generate words with the following prefixes –“bi”, “super”, “tele”, “inter”, “re”, sub”.
Generate more words while giving their meaning (s) with the following suffixes (a) “-ful” (b) “-ic” (c) “-ous” (d) “-ise” (e) “-ed”
See also:
Making Sentences with Future Tense – Will and Shall
Contrasting Vowel /e/ and /Ʒ:/
Myths and Legends
Essay WRITING | Expository Essay
Making Sentence with the Present Tense and Past Tense