A prefix is a group of letters or syllable which is attached to the front of a root word to form another word which usually changes its meaning.
The following are examples with their meaning.
Prefix                   Meaning                    New Words/Derivative
un-                        not                              unhappy, untrue
dis-                       not                              discomfort, dislike
non-                      not                              nonsense, non-smoker
mis-                      wrong                         mismanage, mislead
mal-                      bad                             malfunction, maltreat
super-                   exceeding                   supernatural, superman
out-                       exceed                        outdo, outlive
sub-                      below                         substandard,subhuman
hyper-                   beyond                       hypertension, hyperactive
anti-                      against                        anti-social, antiviral
Form words with these prefixes: pro-, inter-, trans-, pre-, over-, under-
See also
Structure: Active and Passive Voices
Speech Work: Stress Patterns
Essay Writing | Speech Writing, Explanation and Features
VOCABULARY | Words Associated with Publishing
Conditional Clauses | Definition,Types, Examples & Complex Sentence