Writing: Article Writing

Definition, Features, Sample Question,Outline

An article is a type of writing that is meant to be published in a school magazines, a newspaper or a journal.


Basic Features

  1. It must have a heading
  2. It must have an introductory paragraph
  3. Its body should contain at least three well development paragraphs which should serve as the content of the writing. When added to the introductory and concluding paragraphs, the writing should not be less than five paragraphs. But it can be more
  4. It must contain a concluding paragraph
  5. Write your full name and your class, school, town or city as the situation may require.


Outline: Women in Politics

  • Topic/Heading
  • Introduction: Men have dominated the political space for long
  • The effects of men’s domination
  • The need for women’s involvement (equality, less corruption, compassionate, talent use, example from other countries)
  • Conclusion: challenge the audience



Write an essay on the outlined topic above


See also

Vocabulary Development: Prefixes

Structure: Active and Passive Voices

Speech Work: Stress Patterns

Essay Writing | Speech Writing, Explanation and Features

VOCABULARY | Words Associated with Publishing

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